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  1. It can't translate the images on the page.....
  2. I just found this..... Can anyone translate this? Is this something we could use? http://apk.tw/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=741212&mobile=2
  3. I've reverted to the root bypass apk but same scenario. As soon as I do a couple of searches or go to an address my phone. It makes it impossible to do anything.
  4. Scrap that. I didn't actually try and play the game. It all loads fine it's when I try and start a round. In trying to play it I get the error so xline and root cloak doesn't work.
  5. I used this: http://m.aptoide.com/app/net.nyitnyit.hrd.xline/xline-bypasser
  6. You say that but.... I never knew xline bypass existed so thanks. I have the original apk from the play store and it works a treat with root cloak too. I just closed and reopened a couple of times and it does work. I had to reboot as to start with I just git a black screen. After reboot it works fine.
  7. To be honest I would rather use the original apk because when it updates I have to wait until someone updates it. Will have another try with root cloak then!!!
  8. Root cloak doesn't work with it. Tried myself. Only way is by using the root bypass version.
  9. I have since tried method 2. I narrowed it down to a single value but sadly again when I go to the value my phone reboots. So annoying. I did get a 30% increase and a short while up from the value was a 3. At that point my d*** phone rebooted so I haven't given up. Sadly now though I have run out of lives and my battery is nearly dead. Will park my tries until tomorrow and then try again. Got work tomorrow and need sleep.
  10. OK to start with I tried method 1. Finding the coin value as it increases is simple. What I noticed is I got 100% increase. I had 152 coins in the game but at the end I had 304. I held down the value and picked go to value and started to poke around but the problem here is that as soon as I scroll through those values my phone is forcefully rebooted by tsum tsum. Tried it twice now and got the same result both times. So frustrating. Will give it another go. OK to start with I tried method 1. Finding the coin value as it increases is simple. What I noticed is I got 100% increase. I had 152 coins in the game but at the end I had 304. I held down the value and picked go to value and started to poke around but the problem here is that as soon as I scroll through those values my phone is forcefully rebooted by tsum tsum. Tried it twice now and got the same result both times. So frustrating. Will give it another go. By the way if you wish to try this yourself you'll need the apk from here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B97OPH8Z5s69a2ZDQ2NiR3VaMXc/view?pref=2&pli=1 It checks for root and blocks play. The above apk is a root bypass version.
  11. I'll take a look at that now. Thanks for the pointers. Hopefully i'll be able to come back in a bit having got a little further but like I said earlier tsum tsum's seems to know when I perform searches with gg. Sometimes it let's you do it for a while other times it just reboots the phone. Will let you know how I get on.
  12. I'm not sure if they're floating values. The game states coin + ?% which could mean anything. On reddit I saw that the % values are: 10, 30, 50, 100, 200, 500, 5000 that someone had spotted but than on another site I read A random percentage from 0-5000% is applied at the end of the round. So I'm not sure if it's set values or not. To confuse matters I did a round and got 958 coins. The boost upped it to 1245. 1245 is 958 x 1.2995824635 so it's not even a straight 30% I have tried to find the value in gamegaurdian when it changes from 10% to 30% but while I have narrowed it down sometimes the game then crashes and reboots my phone. Tsum Tsum doesn't like gameguardian or maybe it's my phone but I have no issues with other games.
  13. I have tried to do this with game guardian but without knowing how they calculate it at the end its difficult. I have found some values that have potential but using game guardian on tsum tsuma kills my phone after a while. The app must have some sort of protection that discovers gg. I did a little more refine and there are set percentages that get added. Ita something like 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 1000, 2000, 5000. I can only assume this percentage is determined within the app and not on the server as the above mentioned hack manages to exploit this by emulating the game on pc. Perhaps I should post this under requested hacks to get the creative juices flowing.
  14. Hope this is posted in the right section but I guess it may help some people. http://androidgamecheats.z4o.net/tsum.php The above is a link to a website that offers a "free" (it's sort of free but i'll get into that in a minute) toolkit that allows you to earn a lot of coins in Line Tsum Tsum. I usually avoid "toolkits" but I read a lot of positivity on Reddit so I decided to give it a shot. Basically it emulates a game and then adds a mega "coin boost" onto the final result. This really does work however...... the free version only allows you to do 40 - 60000 coins every 2 days while if you pay $25 for a week (yes I just said $25 dollars for the week) you can get millions of coins. So while this is good for people that just want a few coins what I really want to know is could we adopt the "large coin boost" into a modded apk? It's possible to emulate this remotely so would this be possible from an APK? I have no programming ability so I can't look into this myself so I'm counting on help from you guys.
  15. Name of Game:My Muppet Show Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.disney.mysingingmuppets.goo&hl=en Version: 1.1.4 What cheat? Lots and lots of diamonds Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: Nothing happens. I have even tried freedom but still no joy. Comments: As this is server based is a modded apk the best way to go?
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