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  1. i tried the glu credit hack app it gives me negative so i switch to the basic hack gwalet its quite easier thn installing app doing other stuff... but now am not able to go online as my gwallet id didn't match my email account they give a negative money by going online
  2. hey is now freedom is working on gps v4.0 up versions please tell i don't know caus i didn't rooted my new phone please tell. want to update my info
  3. link please buddy
  4. Don't have to worry about that with GameGuardian Plus Give me the apk first then we will talk lolzz give it me am hack adict
  5. Hahahaha why don't u tell why the game telling 'disconnected from server' lolzzz com2us is 2 steps ahead from us... just download a modded apk and feel free Hit like don't be shy
  6. Only modded apk works hahaha no other app works for server sided games lolzzz Hit like don't be shy
  7. Nice Sent from Tapatalk 2
  8. Have u tried clear data of gg Sent from my Z71 using Tapatalk 2
  9. Just go on YouTube or Google and find the easiest way to root it Sent from my Z71 using Tapatalk 2
  10. yup and freedom also not working dude game says disconected from network
  11. This is cannot be fixed till a developer make a app which cartoon wars didn't recognize as gavevil is one of the ace developers in the market like so it know what we are doing and how to stop us and it also a sever game as i know so its not at possible to hack try ussing gk or gg as gcih is recognizeable by cartoon wars
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