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Everything posted by CPS

  1. and were is my satisfaction, having 1,000,000 crystals because it´s not available in my country... -.- anyway have fun :-)
  2. Well it worked perfectly fine for me (newest version downloaded yesterday 26.2.), except one mistake in lolpluslol´s solution: to get from 1*,*** to 9*,*** it´s plus 8 not plus 9 (as its 1-1 to 9-1 :-) ) later in the text, i show you how to get to 999,900 crystals :-) BUT: i had to do a FUZZY search, searching directly for the number didn´t work for whatever reason o.O ?! so here is what i did: SCROLL DOWN, FOR SHORT VERSION go to the shop where you can buy mana and health (i dont know if its important, but you can always have a look at your crystals) 1) start a fuzzy search (amount of crystals 100 to 999) 2) play chapter 1-1 to get the huge amount of 14 crystals 3) last digit is higher than before: -> bigger | last digit is smaller than before -> smaller (i.e. starting crystals 149 + 14 = 163 so you search for a smaller number) 4) you can also go back to the lvl selection screen (NOT STARTING OR SAVE GAME SELECT) then return to the shop with mana and health and search for an equal amount (combine both to get the fastest to few results) there will be a number around 3,000,000 before you go for it, CALCULATE FIRST, if it´s the right one, by having two runs... (just recommended ;-) ) so once again: 100 - 999 3158068 + (A - 1) + (B x 256) + (C x 2562) Example: 107 -> 3158068 + (1-1) + (0 x 256) + (7 x 2562) = 3166820 999 -> 3750204 WE CONTINUE 5) you should have found the right number, so change it to 3750204 which should now be 999 crystals. 6) play chapter 1-1 (or whatever you like) once more calculation stays almost the same 1000 - 9999 808464433 + (A - 1) + (B x 256) + (C x 2562) + (D x 2563) no example this time you should have figured it out by now... 9999 equals 960051513 VERY IMPORTANT STEP 7) you changed your amount of crystals to 9999 (yeah i know, after you have found the right adress you can come here directly, but i really wanted it foolproof!) you HAVE to play a game, to get over the magical 9999, and as soon you got a 5 digit number, simply add 8 to the number in gameguardian and voilá -> there you go with your 9*,*** :-) THERE IS NO WAY, TO HAVE MORE THAN 9999 CRYSTALS, WITHOUT CROSSING THE '5 DIGIT LINE' BY NORMALLY WINNING CRYSTALS BY PLAYING!!! (i tried several things, and here lolpluslol is right aswell, there is another counter located somewhere, which is responsible for the last digit. as soon as i was over 10000, i was able to alter the first four digits to 9999x , (which meant 960051513 again, but for 99990, 99991, ... 99999) but i had no power over the last one, except normally playing again. (letting the enemies go in lvl 1-1 whithout doing anything gets you ONE crystal ;-) ) SHORT VERSION 1) start with crystals between 100 and 900 (recommended) 2) start FUZZY search 3) play a game and search based on your LAST digit. (last digit becomes higher -> bigger or smaller -> smaller) 4) when you have found the right one, change the number to 960051513 5) you should have 9999 crystals now. 6) start lvl 1-1 WHITHOUT building a tower (should award you 1 crystal so you got 10000 crystals now) 7) change the number to 960051513 AGAIN YES AGAIN! 8) should be exactly 99990 crystals now. 9) repeat as needed, if you drop below 10000 you have to manually play over it again. as promised, here is how to get to 999,900 crystals: (were starting below 10000) ° type in 960051513 (-> 9999) ° play a game to get over 10000 ° type in 960051513 (-> 9999x) ° play a game to get over 100000 ° type in 960051513 (-> 9999xx) YES I´M A GREEDY B A S T A R D ASWELL BUT THAT´S ENOUGH AS YOU BARELY CAN SPEND ANY MORE i hope that helped, (basically it´s the same as lolpluslol said) FUZZY SEARCH IS YOUR FRIEND :-D
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