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Everything posted by Platonic

  1. I have been there. I kind of misunderstood it there, I tought it was for something else ttough. since I see thee "libc.so" s _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later I saw that. but I'm lost when I see the: "print(gg.getRangesList('lib*.so'))" I don't see anywere a "lib"... I tried the most logical thing for me... gg.setRanges = gg.REGION_CODE_APP it looks like I need to do something same as with freezing values...(I think). but no need to mind it now ENBY, I let you know when I figured it out. aftherall I know you can`t just say it. thank you for the help.
  2. its a bit important because I just figured out that I can find new hacks with this..and just found new hack...and not everyone puts memeory range on APP or something...so I gues I have to do that my self in the script...good new ros hacks _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later Ok thank you, i did but i did not understand well. I look again.
  3. uh I have question. I want to change memory range to "Xa" when I look the gg HELP, I see there "REGION_CODE_APP" but then how do I put this in a script. I mean like.....is it like this? gg.REGION_CODE_APP --to tell GG that he has to search in Xa only.. gg.searchNumber(5, gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.getResults(50) or do I need to say something like this? region = gg.CODE_APP gg.searchNumber(5, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)gg.getResults(50)
  4. yes, I heard many stuff about that,people becaume paranoid. thanks for the information
  5. http://lua-encryption.subdomain10.info. _______________________________________________ added 2 minutes later I noticed there are lua scripts that can be readed by gameguardian but they are not even full lua langue I think.., see SS, friend sended me this file. seems PUBG hack I think made by Chinese people
  6. hi Enby, I have returned here. do you have any idea if GG can read files that are incrypted with a lua incryptor
  7. Hmm it was made before fps hack. Im updating the script but it will beVIP, see video demo _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later Because to many have stolen from me and i don't understand very well how to protect my files. ViP. Then they pay toget it patched if there is a fun boy out who buys my cheat and put public. Lol
  8. :), I'm also gonne upload new tutorial how you make menus in menus, If that's the correct word.. like: menu = gg.choice({'jumphack(maby ban)','NEW: colour hack(UNDETECTED)','flying teleport jump(1)','flying teleport jump(2)','stretching body','Balt land/Objects (only use on plane or later)','speedhack+slowmo(undetected)','Anti-kick(Only use afther jump out plane)','NEW: Vision hack','NEW: Antenna Up','large grass only','Wall Hack(1)','Wall Hack(2),if (1) not work','See Through Water','Speed Reload','Weather Hack','Cam Hack','EXIT'},nil,'Made by Dragon Star, all hacks are save beside jumphack, but jump teleport is save') if menu == 1 then goto _____________________________________________ end if menu == 2 then goto _________________________________________________________________ end if menu == 3 then goto _____________________________________________________________________________________________ end if menu == 4 then goto ______________________________________________________________________________________________ end if menu == 5 then goto ____________________________________________________________________________________________ end if menu == 6 then goto _________________________________________________________________________ end if menu == 7 then goto _________________ end if menu == 8 then goto ___________________________ end if menu == 9 then goto ___________________________________________________________ end if menu == 10 then goto ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ end if menu == 11 then goto ____ end if menu == 12 then goto _______________________________________ end if menu == 13 then goto _____________________ end if menu == 14 then goto ________________________________________________________________________________________ end if menu == 15 then goto __ end if menu == 16 then goto ______ end if menu == 17 then goto __________ end if menu == nil then gg.alert(' You Not Select Anything') end goto noselect _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later is my upcoming update for rules of survival, they just released first person, now I can make from first person a therd person
  9. Mirrored from Youtube: GameGuardian + Lua scripts Tutorial: how to make Loops in script Note:
  10. yo, try to use mine since its original and exctualy the real official one. you wont get banned for using any of those haxks, exepect nothing can be done about being reported, and also jumphack is maby ban: Rules Of Survival NEW (#785ada63)
  11. hmm I think I did samem video is not very clear, its like putting the mark of the shot in slowmotion. right/.?
  12. Yeah, banned on new version, but you can use in older verdion of gg
  13. ...realy? change weather has no ban risk. please instead of saying to everyone that critical hit found it...better use real owner there names...infect if I'm reading your text, everything exept weather changer has a ban risk..
  14. goodmorning, I have a question. is there a way to incrypt or put a password on or Lua files without the source code being changed? everytime when it try to put password file to prefend people stealing or hard work the source code change, and GG can not read it anymore. I tried a lot to make it a bit harder for people to just open the file and copy past the values and steal the hard work and credits you did for finding the hacks...if you have a YT channel, it does kind of matter because everyone wants to find a new hack, but others will just steal it and claim they found it...from there most want to put a passwork on there file...if there is any way possible, please let me know because I` realy tired of people stealing and copy pasting my or others there hard work in to that of there own
  15. nice tutorial this one seems to be more professional explaned. although I had to talk in voice because my typing spelling is more more awfull then my english talking, I probably was going to Chinese if I typed
  16. Bro, update script to 2.8 slowmo speedhack undetected _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later Yes basecly you Update script to 2.8 _______________________________________________ added 2 minutes later You can't be banned for using the latest color hacks. Altough about the weather hack i will fix that in my latest update, i did not know that some devices get a black screen, ok? Btw update to v2.8
  17. yes I found it its like this: for I = 1, 100 do print(gg.searchNumber(100,000, gg.TYPE_FLOAT)) end I did not understand at first :V thanks for the help
  18. kk, got it. thank you for the help
  19. oh I got it. like this: gg.getSpeed() --no param gg.getResults(10) --single param I got that. thanks for the reply, can`t wait till the bug is fixed when you have time, I`m looking for that looping like you told me. but sadly at the moment I don`t completely get it. I tried something like this s = gg.searchNumber(51, gg.TYPE_FLOAT) ---the commands I want to repeat s = gg.getResults(500) ---the commands I want to repeat repeat print("value of s:", s) ---don`t know what this is s = s ---don`t know what this is until (s > 15) ---is this the times I want to repeat?
  20. sorry but is it possible to give a examble? I don`t know well what a param is.
  21. yo ENBY, I have a problem, I'm putting speedhack in my script BUT, when the speedhack loads, it doesn't continue the script. its like it stay stucked with the speedhack... if I put it first or last...script won`t stop at that speedhack I`m doing it like this: gg.getSpeed('1') gg.setSpeed('5') gg.searchNumber('5', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.getResults('10', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.editAll('900', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) goto sdone any idea why script got stucked at speedhack? the other values don`t get runned. and even if they do, the script is still active. I don't think my users will like it when they need to press the "interrupt script" because of the speedhack. thanks for reading and I hope there is a solution for this.
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