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Everything posted by NischalSimkhada

  1. Will you make an account with 20M coins and 20k cash and give that to me for free? Please
  2. Do u guys use ida for hacking? Okay i will be active and what to contribute?
  3. how can i be advanced member? Do i have to spend money or what?
  4. how to unlock mp5. that weapon looks awesome
  5. _______________________________________________ added 4 minutes later Banned again, Which hack is working? Please provide me.
  6. yeah.. but please tell me how to make the price of gun 0.plzz
  7. how can i change the price of gun to 0???
  8. I think we shouldn't say these hack in public. if any one hacked the game successfully just post i hacked the game and others should message the person. i guess it will be secret that way . hahah
  9. provide me too.
  10. Post a hack please (only credits is fine i dont want gold).. i lost my 3 accounts hahahah....so please try an antiban system. Thankyou!
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