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  1. Hi Guys... Can You provide the APK LINK in Your Version, which is (V1.32.13 - this August 2024), not the global version I got on APKMIRROR (V1.23.0 - this August too). ( https://www.apkmirror.com/?post_type=app_release&searchtype=apk&bundles%5B%5D=apkm_bundles&bundles%5B%5D=apk_files&s=Eternium+ ).
  2. If my mind to unroot to the beginning again, I just wanted to know NFS: NL is still force close or really able to open it again, if indeed at unroot still be possible force close my permanent bandded forever can not play anymore. if possible to open when unroot, I can continue playing in several sessions (if available at all possibilities save game data is not lost without a repeat of the initial level [0] again in google play his game... if the data is lost so be it back from far away again... and after that I do to root and may or may not return to play in the root again and do not forget to always backup the application of titanium backup.apk. I erred not forget to always backup the app before in executions guys... :( Is my problem is a new problem for you the first time??? Or whether there ever experienced with a different game??? :)
  3. Is there a possibility that I did unroot can be played again and played with normal??? :/
  4. Can you fix the mistakes that I do ??? or whether these harbingers my permanent bandded. is it possible to open and play it back on when there vesi next update ??? or stay the same forever and can not be played back in this game ??? My problem may be a new problem for you and for your new science can solve puzzles that my face is ... ± This week I can not play this game guys. Beg for your help guys. thanks. :)
  5. Implore all solution so I can open it and play it back on the game from Need For Speed: No Limits & GG. Thanks... device_info.txt 2016-10-10-05-38-04.txt
  6. Need For Speed: No Limits. device_info.txt 2016-10-10-05-38-04.txt
  7. Please solution Guys... Log report https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwqlfKDeEnZaWElrSmRDU2pQaFU/view?usp=drivesdk
  8. @Enyby... Whether you are looking for the same logcat.txt with pliers logcat.txt bug report on the developer option (size 22 mb)??? Catlog - logcat reader! there are only three selection buttons, and how to change the tape into his logcat.txt and buttons for her to share ??? implore solution. :( ~ :)
  9. @Enyby... Like where I can find the file in the device logcat.txt me ??? and I can not find his file in the folder using root explorer apps from: /sdcard/Android/data/com.wood.table/files/last_run.log and /sdcard/Android/data/com.wood.table/files/crash.log (no data: com.wood.table/files/last_run.log. / com.wood.table/files/crash.log) ??? :'( Can you give a simple tutorial ??? I use apps from catlog - logcat reader! from the play store no choice button to send / share its files directly. since I was a newbie ... I was too busy playing the game that I forgot to backup applications. and are there any application as simple as possible to show that direct catlog can to share his txt file ??? and whether it should be connected with the computer to display its catlog.txt ??? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwqlfKDeEnZabFQzLW1xbmljRWM/view?usp=drivesdk
  10. Hiii Enyby... I have a problem in the game nfs: nl (V1.5.3) force close because I do hex money to enter the wrong nominal money / do not match the existing tutorials on youtube tread (tread September - October 2016) is, I've already done the deletion of data, cache, data files / obb & apk app nfs: nl and game guard the latest version (V8.5.13), and re-download from play store, install applications without guard game, but the result is the same (fixed force close) after completion of loading. whether this is a sign of my own in bandded be hard (without notification directly) and permamen by his party ea ??? how can I play it back ??? whether waiting for the next version or by means unroot back my device ??? implore all to solve the problems that I face this. once again thank you for your hard work. :) NFS_NL Force Close / Error: Logcat Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwqlfKDeEnZaS0RqNWpRbmR5eEE/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwqlfKDeEnZabXBoX0REc0NRa2c/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwqlfKDeEnZaNHlaQTgyZjE4QTA/view?usp=drivesdk Screenshot NFS_NL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwqlfKDeEnZaV0loMXFad0JSOWs/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwqlfKDeEnZaU3BBWi13ekZ2TDg/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwqlfKDeEnZaQXI4VEhHRmZtLTA/view?usp=drivesdk (Please you can also reply to my message in my gmail address ([email protected]).
  11. Hiii Guy... Why GG.apk (Update) not worked (GOLDS & MONEYS Unlimited) to Need For Speed: No Limits V1.5.3 (Last update)??? I'm looking OLD tutorrial from Rusia Hacker NOT worked Guys '(Change number 12 <=> Float into 0, NO change for MONEY and GOLD.' Please You make NEW tuttorial more simple and upload coming for NFS: NL V1.5.3 (Last update by Play Store). NB: Can You for the future and make it possible to MOD games from: ASSASSIN'S CREED: IDENTITY with GAME GUARDIAN.apk of Can You for the future and make it possible to MOD games from 'ASSASIN'S CREED: IDENTITY' with GAME GUARDIAN.apk of. hope in the game??? If not, what makes him NOT able to in a MOD Guys??? Thanks and HARD WORK & SUCCES ALWAYS GUYS!!! :)
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