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    S2 I9100G

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  1. I think can be hacked if installed in Android emulator like Andyroid or bluestacks
  2. My app is the latest version while the one on video It's the same app but an old version about the interface am using Android L XPOSED theme (find it on xda) so that why it's different. The application works great for me it doesn't cause any lags or freeze on the game I have tried it on heroes of camelot and everything works great. Anyway what's the ram of ua device because it affects how the app works
  3. It's ua lucky day.... I did a little bit of search and I found out the application it called SB GAME HACKER. Just Google search or get from here http://www50.zippyshare.com/v/12188349/file.html It will ask for update.... It is a Chinese made but translated to English
  4. It would have been better if you tutorial provided some screen shot.. Just saying Sent from my GT-I8262 using Tapatalk
  5. I was facing the same problem with mc4 last year I was unable to play online coz it required wifi but I found a solution on xda but I can't remember the thread but I backed up the app with the settings.... Just drop me ua email address then I will sent u the backup then restore with Tatinium Backup..... Assuming ua device is rooted Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  6. Av u tried using freedom app
  7. So far known facts A) Freedom app ain't work (transaction failed) B)Xp, Money & Casino chips can searched & changed but they don't upload on the server C)Golds can't be search D)Health (not yet confirmed) but I read on another forum it possible tutorial Requirements:Health perk & Sh*tstorm 1or2 (launcher) 1) Download GameCih v2/v3 2) Install it on your tablet or phone 3) Open it, and after it's loaded go to home and open ShadowGun. You should see in the upper-left corner a button from which you can hack. 4) In ShadowGun, go to Zone Control and hide somewhere no one can see you except your team 5) Take your Sh*tstorm 6) Facing a wall, go back like two steps, so you can get hurt 7) Press the GameCih's button in the upper-left corner, and then press the Magnifier (like zoom icon). Now press "Input Number" and: 1) Type "100" and press OK 2) press the Back button 3) Shoot the wall with the Sh*tstorm. Make sure you won't kill yourself or it won't work again until you reboot your device. 4) Press the magnifier again and press the "-" under "ShadowGun" in the upper side. Go back. 5) Repeat 3-4. If you think if you will shoot you'll die, don't, and go to step 6. 6) Press "-" again 7) Get the health pack. 8) After 2-3 seconds, move away from the health pack so you won't get life anymore, then go to GameCih again and press the "+" now. 9) Repeat step 8 until your life will be full. Make sure you won't press it again after getting full life, or it won't work. 10) now you must find a number between 100 and 70, including those. Press the number, and type "1000000" so you'll have your health increased with 10,000% . Now press the lock button Credit ( 20kevin20')
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