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Everything posted by italozacarias

  1. head on my zenfone 2 the speed hack does not work with any game every time q I use speed hack the game for fucionar I guess its because of the timers help interceptors there boss?

    1. Enyby


      Try change list of used timers.

  2. hello in my zenfone 2 game modern combat 3 speed hack fuciona not what I do?

    1. Enyby


      Try choose different set of green timers on speedhack settings.

    2. italozacarias


      I've done it but it did not work , and with this update gameguardiam does not work with any games. I think it's porcausa of " interceptor timers " like me you use it? What do I do?

    3. Enyby


      If you choice all timers and nothing changed in game - then speedhack can not work with this game.

  3. hello in my zenfone 2 when I press the speed hack games latch does not reply what I do?

  4. ola no meu zenfone 2 QUANDO eu aperto no speed hacker ele trava o Jogo nao Responde O Que eu faço?


  5. ola no meu zenfone 2 quando eu aperto no speed hacker ele trava o jogo nao responde o que eu faço?


  6. zenfone 2 nao funciona speedhack, como jogo "Modern Combat 3" espero q voces ajeite isso.

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