Name of Game: Weapons throwing rpg
Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk):
What cheat?: Coins or experience. Especially in a way that's reversible, because you unlock new characters throughout the game, and being too high levels will render you unable to level those characters (no SP gains if you're above monster level +20)
Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?:
I have tries searching for the following:
-Experience gained within a certain level. I tried encrypted and unencrypted searches and used fuzzy search to find the values but came up empty on all of them.
-Total experience gained. I had some succes when attempting a fuzzy search by using the n=o+d method because after every level you know how much experience you've gained. However, the values I find don't represent the total experience in any recognizable way and editing any of them results in a crash.
-coins, which was more of the same from above
-Upgrade prices at the blacksmith, couldn't find a thing
-The experience required for the next level up, couldn't find a thing
If you can help me with a hack in this game I'd greatly appreciate it and I'll send you a tenner over PayPal or something as thanks (if that sort of thing is allowed of course?)