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iwitrag last won the day on March 28 2013

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    DPS Dream 7 tablet

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  1. Because Inotia 3 doesnt work with Bluestacks...
  2. Hi, you do not understand. 1. I'm using older version of Inotia3 which is not detectable. 2. When I say shop hack I mean that hack, which enables you to buy items normally sold for diamonds in regular shop in game (it can be done with name search function - try to search with google there are tons of these cheats).
  3. I get this error from time to time too... When this error occurs and I try to scroll down, transparent background becomes black and it lags a bit... all you need to do is restart game / app, which you want to hack. I think that it depends on ROM, because this error appeared just after i flashed CM9... It's a pity that in my CM9 gameCIH still doesn't work... I still cannot use name search to hack Inotia 3 grrr
  4. But there are games which require "name search" function to hack them... Nearly all OLDER versions of games can be hacked using name search. For example when you need to search for string "ITEMDATABASE_nRecordSize" < it's a typical variable. This one has constant number = 17, so it's not possible to find it via GameGuardian (too many variables found). When this number is changed, it opens new opportunities to many RPGs (newly combined items, etc...). It can be found only with name search. GameGuardian 4 life
  5. So ppl will just use GameCIH instead of GameGuardian. But it's a pity for a ppl who has ICS or newer cuz they cannot use gameguardian (no text search) nor gamecih. EDIT: Well, has anyone found a way how to use shop hack in Inotia 3? I have tablet which uses ICS and there arent any ROMs with gingerbread, so I cannot just use GameCIH (which provide name search function).
  6. This is an example, why they should add name search function to GameGuardian... Inotia 3 is such a nice game!
  7. Never mind... just keep Gameguardian updated and people will come
  8. sp4wnrk: +1 Reaperex: soon? You have posted this in May and now it's March 2013 - and - still nothing. I would appreciate this function, because only GameCIH allows it but I think GameGuardian is much better than GameCIH and I just want to uninstall this stupid GameCIH and have only Gameguardian ) .))
  9. Hello all I'm new here, first I would like to say "thanks" for GameGuardian. It's the only memory hacking app working on my ICS 4.0.4. I want to hack game called Inotia 3 (I have downloaded several older version which dont have included antihack inside). I have already succedeed with hacking exp, gold and other NUMBER things... But I want hack shops too and for shops I need to find NAME of variables (for example ItemDatabase_nRecordSize) How can I do that with GameGuardian? There are no more ways to hack shops, because this variable has only number 17 and it doesnt change in game, so there is no way of searching for it normal way. Sorry for my English Any help will be appreciated Iw.
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