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  1. can anyone look into Puzzle and Dragons? (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.gungho.padEN&hl=en) Decompiled but there are no "xxxObserver.smali" files in the smali folder. Only files like BillingReceiver.smali, BillingService.smali etc. there are many if-xx v0, :cond_xx strings, which I dont know which one to delete in order to crack its In-App purchase. wanna see if this game is possible to crack its IAP, or just to make it to work with Freedom. thanks for helping.
  2. puchased vip, posted in there hopefully someone can help me with it
  3. oh, so there is a modded apk in vip section for this game? modded Puzzle and Dragons? or modded Freedom you mean? just to clarify before I purchase VIP
  4. i tried freedom with this game, but freedom says "this game cannot be free" and does not launch the game. if i keep freedom started and start the game in app drawer, i can see the Freedom card in google play to buy the stones, but when it goes back to the game, it get stuck at connecting... i will remove gameguardian and reinstall it to try again. *edit* reinstalling gameguardian still doesnt work thanks
  5. hi all, For the game Puzzle and Dragons, everytime I search for any value, Gameguardian will display Game Dead "Is your game dead? Reset all lists". Therefore it is impossible to search for anything. I have never encountered this for any other games, is it some kind of anti-cheat? thanks.
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