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  • Android
    9.x (Pie)
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    Mi Note 3; Mi Max

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  1. just google how to unban games android, there are 2 ways
  2. found another way and works ok
  3. i found the way, but it becomes negative and didnt increase the gem, using X value. is it already patched?
  4. @NoFear Can you pm me the step or a hint what to search? I believe this has something to do with the achievment? I tried to modify the trading post value, it works but you still need gold and hunter to buy the items. Thanks
  5. RydR

    Hungry Dragon

    i was "able" to restart the game without protection without rebooting my device, but the game won't load after that. @NoFear do you happen to know why? or is it just my rom?
  6. why i cant get it working, although it said found correct value and hacked successfully, but nothing changed. is there any level requirement for this hack to work? or is there any specific GG settings that i have to configure (i had already setting the filters to 1000) nevermind, i did it eventually ?
  7. how does this feature work? is it work for any games? i still dont understand what this feature really mean
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