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  1. Death, you mean by hacking db's files? Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 4
  2. Well then, care to show or teach us how you do it? Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 4
  3. Me to, seem like we can search the value but nothing change. It still revert to original value. Yes, this game required online, can't play without it, got something to do with it? Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 4
  4. Name of Game: Tower Raiders 3 or Tower Raider 3 HD Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): Play Store link Version if you know it: v.0.38 What cheat?: Resources Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: Can't find "Resource", already try to use all region setting. Comments: I able to have credit, skull quantity but not resource. Can't find to increase or lock it.
  5. All still good for me, ICS, JB, in SG2, Tab2, Note2, I beat it all using GG. The only thing is sometimes get bored when what we target for still not get it and you still can move... Btw for bomb, I search the bomb value at that time. Usually I get 2 result for each bomb, 1 that I later change it to 999 and and 1 more only like display I guess. So if you have 3 bomb with same time, at least you will get 6~7 result. You can change it all to 999. I do sometimes can't get the right result, so what I do? 1. Just reset the GG 2. Change region from More to ALL 3. Search again After waiting (will be long search) and just wait, you'll get the result. I later change back region from All to More back again.
  6. Hi, just want to ask on how to search exact address using address search (tab no 4). It because when I do, can see that result is skip every 4 line. Don't know how to describe this but please see as sample below; Searching address: 52BD8802 Address that show: ....... 52BD87FC 52BD8800 52BD8804 52BD8808 ....... So, how can I search said address and change it's value, manually? Can anyone help me here?
  7. just try it but it not working for me. app loading but after that it just exit without any error. just only want to use "settings.lua" for mighty eagle... if return back the original setting.lua file (i backup earlier) then ok.
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