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  1. Fyi, even if you do know how to mod apps, whether they are an update of an apk that's already in the modded app section, you are notallowed to upload them, so it really doesn't do any good. Examples: I have the latest candy crush soda saga mod, but am unable to upload it due to the site preventing me. The one that is in modded apps is out of date, which is not nice for a lot of people., since they can't even play.
  2. No one can help you with that since that game is server based, and please post in the correct area.
  3. Play Store Icon Image (upload it to GGImage) Name of Game:Castleville Legends Game Version:1.8.130 (latest version) Name of Cheat:Coins, Crowns, Pearls hack Steps: Open both Castleville Legends, and GameGuardian. Set search range to ALL Regions Search current amount of crowns wait a LONG time for the results to come up (my searchs took over 10 mins on the galaxy s4, but the game is very large, so be patient) spend a few crowns repeat search with new amount until you have only 2 change both numbers to 999999 spend another crown or 2 You should now have almost a million crowns for coins, the process is the same, but the cap is 4 million, so try to buy as much land at once as possible, then set it to the max again before leaving the game. for pearls, use crowns to get the same number of pearls (lingling gives out one of each color every 3 trips) Search for the number of the three colors of pearls (2 or 3 of each is enough) do 3 more shipments, repeat the search repeat this process until you have 6 or 7 results Change ALL to 9999 note: the hex numbers reset when the game closes, so try not to let your phone sleep during the searches) If you still can't do it, feel free to send me a message. I have not been able to find the exp hex, even with fuzzy searches, sorry.
  4. Sorry, I was using a modded version, and the stats do the same thing. The same with exp, and hp/mp. Everything resets... So annoying.
  5. This does not work. I can not find any of the right values doing this...
  6. Name of Game:Zenonia 3 Game Version if known: Name of Cheat:GameGuardian 6.0 Search Regions Needed: 4byte (default is 4byte) Steps: Open both {game_name}, and GameGuardian. Search for hex code 0x81B4AEAC (this is for exp, your max level the first time you play is 60, 90 the second, and 99 the third) Change to 9999999 Search for hex code 0x81B4A5BC (this is for a stat, idk which one) Change to any number under 999990 Search for hex code 0x81B4A5C0 (this is for another stat) Change to any number under 999990 Search for hex code 0x81B4A5C4 (this is for another stat) Change to any number under 999990 Search for hex code 0x81B4A5B8 (this is for the last stat) Change to any number under 999990 Also, here is a modded version of the game. http://android-xtreme-apk.blogspot.com/2012/10/zenonia-3-mod.html
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