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Patolaa last won the day on November 23 2020

Patolaa had the most liked content!

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  • Android
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    Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 Pro 5G
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  1. Awesome you killing it with these scripts...please keep it up. Maybe Minecraft cheat scripts? MC scripts are dead on GG!
  2. Very sad that you no longer make scripts for MC
  3. You still around for MCPE Scripts? seems dead!
  4. Again, amazing work. Absolutely loving the constant flow of features. And you are the only GG script creator that is currently making/updating scripts for MCPE! If you got telegram I'm still having the minor issues I told you earlier - I'd like to see if this can be fixed, I wanna use ALL YOUR SCRIPT MODS plz reply here with Telegram username! I'll message you there with screenshots TY for your hard work!
  5. I love the constant flow of features, keep it up bro! 1.4
  6. I look forward to that. How's the X-ray coming along? Also the mods are working because I tried it on a different device and it works fine, so it could be something to do with my device's setting...will try to figure it out — also speed hack is really kinda off, coz it's actually speeding up the game instead of the player...which can be done with gg Speed hack.... I look forward to future updates though
    Hi bro, scripts are still not functioning...also the High Jump feature: I also commented on your YT channel, I appreciate your work and the new features thanks, please reply if possible.
  7. Nice features. Could you maybe add: (Air jump, item editor, Portion effects, Haste and X-ray?) I'm more interested in X-ray, thanks bro!
  8. Hi there, I appreciate your work for MCPE: if I can suggest some features for the next update.. it would be better if you know about (Toolbox for MCPE) The features it has there would be awesome if possible to be made into gg scripts. But unfortunately all these new features don't work: it say could not be found: (contact maker) on all of them except (High Jump) and the high jump is limited to every running of the script which is (useless) please fix, also... I'm specially asking for X-ray in your next update... please reply if possible... thanks & keep it up!
  9. Any future developments on Fsrmville3: Animals? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zynga.farmville3 I like the approach!
  10. Nice one, you added an On/OFF Switch!
  11. Remove Request Please!!
  12. Close Request Please!
  13. I'd like to see some mcpe mods implemented into mcpe as Xmodgames and other hacking tools such as Blocklauncher can no longer keep up with the latest versions of mcpe and offer no further editional support regarding mods for mcpe. And there is a lack where there is no mods for mcpe here, I know this is because it's a PAID APP, but if anyone can...please give us a lua script or something similar to what Blocklauncher does, such as adding support for third party mods etc!
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