- For this to work, you are required to have a "Business" in your city. To do that, you need to do the sim goals up untill it asks you to build a business in your city. The first business you build is up to you but for this to work well, we recommend the super market.
- After you have your Super Market built:
..1] Tap super market and tap an item to update your cart.
..2] Search how much LP/Simoleon you have in your cart
..3] go back to market, and get more to increase LP/Simoleon in cart
..4] Search for the updated LP/Simoleon amount.
..5] Keep doing steps 3 and 4 untill you have 3-4 addresses.
..6] Edit the amount of chosen address to 3365665959 Or any negative amount.
..7] Pay for whats in your cart.
- This still works, I just tested it while typing the guide. The addresses [on my phone] for example would be 0x02585E64 for the LP [do know that this may be different for you guys] and has 4 bytes.
- In any case, thanks silentspawn. Good find!