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  1. It seems that the mods arent paying attention to this. does it mean they cannot hack it? or wont hack it since the requester is not a VIP? hm...... just a thought.
  2. HELLO?
  3. uhm...... anyone there? just even a i will try reply will do.
  4. hi. i actually have a working cheat with this one. is it ok to post something from another forum? the values of the money and modules is not being displayed as is. they are using some kind of number that represents a certain amount. for example: if i have 500 money in game, i wont look for 500 using GG or GCIH. you would search for something like 256239XXXX. i cant remember the rest. ahahaha. anyways, if the mods gives me the go signal, i will post the link. *bookmakred for easy finding for me.
  5. there is actually a way for this. although, you only get the glu credits, not the coins. heres what to do: download Front Line Commando (FLC) and install it, also, download the latest version of samurai vs. zombies once done, download the patch of FLC and once finish on the download, turn off wifi, install the patch and follow the instructions. there is a need to change permission with the .dat and .dau files on FLC. once done, open FLC and check for the glu credits. if successful, you will have 9,999,999,999 worth of glu credits. open SVZ and play the game. you should have the glu credits, the same amount with FLC. good luck.
  6. Name of Game: Dragonrush Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.westriversw.DragonRush&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS53ZXN0cml2ZXJzdy5EcmFnb25SdXNoIl0. Version if you know it: 1.6 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: money and diamonds Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: when cheating in game money, it will set the value to zero when you change the value. for the diamonds, it wont change anything Comments: if possible, a modded apk would do the trick to get unlimited diamond from the store
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