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  1. Sorry sir, Im phone user. but U can try at bluestacks and its work.
  2. Yeah, as u know. Now vip and member is the same right? Nothing special for vip member for castle clash now. :-(
  3. Sure, actually someone already post this mod. U can check here
  4. I have already buy this hack, but i want find someone who can edit for next version.
  5. -Double posted-
  6. Dear member, I have already brought hack from someone and its work at HBM/HT and Expidition. For Mod or someone who can make it work for next version cc(now cc version 1.2.57), please PM me. Thank You. P/s: My english failed.
  7. This is awesome sir.
  8. Congratulation sir.
  9. Hello dear user, I'm a new member here, nice to know U all and I'm come from Malaysia. Thank You.
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