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  1. I have finally hacked it. Version of gane : 1.16 Version of GameGuardian : 8.69.1 What i did? 1. Open GameGuardian 2. Open gane 3. Attach game to GameGuardian. Go to settings in gameguardian -> Settings fir this game -> Hide GameGuardian from the game. 4. In main screen of game, search for 444442. You will get some 20 records. Set them all to 0. Go to shop and buy coins with gems. You will get gene and coins. 5. For unlimited mega fire freeze..... Search for current fire freezes done in dword (Given during gameplay and bottom). Filter and freeze the correct found value to 0 I am trying to hack levels now. Anyone have any idea?
  2. I am unable to search relevant data. What did you search? Nd how ?
  3. Well you can very easily hack pubg using a lua script. Do note you can get ban though.
  4. I dont think he will be able to do that. You said earlier your inbox is full ? BTW Can you please have a look at The Trail (#4k0me5va)
  5. Are you using a hex editor for same? Also what is the location of save game in fb? Or You will use that username and pass for logging into it in your device...hack it and change values...so that when the original user logs in with this updated save, he will get the hacked version? PS: What gg version and Which kernel are you using? I am unable to byoass protection.
  6. Can we even do this? I would love to learn this. Do you need fb passwords for this or do you just run a script?
  7. As expected of the lord ? How are you even able to hack this? Whenever I try to hack, it says protected and search nothing.
  8. Leave shields can anyone help me in finding unlimited energy? or may be point me in a direction of hacking it. I am unable to find any way.
  9. I am able to get unlimited unlocked boosters but have no idea of increasing the activation limit. I am not asking you to provide for video but please point me in a direction or give a hint to hack activation limit.
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