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  1. At lower level might with high level heroes, raiding for gold is not difficult at all. Just do hit and runs all day without losing any heroes to continue the next raid.
  2. So by doing it this way you can get around the 24hr limit of leaving a guild
  3. It is confusing. I have an idea of what to do but I haven't tried it yet so I can't be sure. Maybe someone who's actually tested it out can clear it up for us.
  4. He edited his first post already sharing his method. You need lots of accounts and time.
  5. You can collect shards by doing the HBM challenges. It's the blue portal on the top left of your base. The higher you advance the more XP and shards you can receive.
  6. All monster and hero's attack increases once you hack a legendary. But if you don't hack the other heroes then their health will drop like normal.
  7. I found that you have to go to Settings in Gameguardian and change the "Set Search Range" to more "More Regions" otherwise you won't find the number. Also you can search at the beginning of a level for the value: 1082413056 as it corresponds to the value $650 in the game. You can change it to any of these values if you want to keep earning money: 10,000: 1086556160 50,000: 1088973312 100,000: 1090021888 500,000: 1092519040 1,000,000: 1093567616
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