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Everything posted by ryu9990

  1. So how many noobs got banned today?
  2. If you really wanna have some fun, mod the apk itself. Running every dungeon/temple/whatever without failing a single time. and by modding i dont mean any of that lame gameguardian/gameCiH/whatever you use to scan an adress.
  3. /facepalm x10 You don't understand anything, not one single thing. Packets being sent and received don't change because they edited their apk not their server, they won't change the encryption if no one is hacking it, that's a huge waste of time and money, why would they do that every patch? When the only thing people are doing is a childish damage hack that will get them banned sooner than later. You want to experiment and understand fully? Here: CREATE a server that logs your client and their server information being sent/received. Take a look at how it's processed. Send commands from your server similar to how your client would send them to see how their server responds. Don't bother looking at the apk file even cuz it won't give you s***, all the info that's important isn't available in there. So this server you make, after a million trial and errors of sending commands you will fully understand how their server is run and how the data is being processed. Once you're at that step only then can you actually hack your own things and change them to your liking with their server accepting it like it's a normal thing. Putting it simply, you're creating something in the middle between their server and your client that seems natural. I love people posting things that they think they have an understanding of when they probably don't even know how to make a hello word script/file in any language.
  4. put it in this perspective, changing the damage is like first year in kindergarten stuff, doing the real stuff is like getting your PhD.
  5. Just another site with the fake stuff
  6. I wouldn't recommend using the damage hack on a main account for tons of reasons. Wait till they give out another mystical summon scroll for a maintenance or whatever reason, make a new account and with a macro keep resetting it till you eventually get a rare 5* monster and make that your new account. Probably best way to head start
  7. As for people wanting to learn. Start with some basic c++, get the hang of arrays, creating functions, calling those functions in your main function. Then learn about packets, what they are, how they work, what they contain, what you can do with them. Find some tutorials for easy to edit packets on games to get the general idea of what you're doing. Most of packet editing is trial and error, to see where the limits are since the packets are encrypted.
  8. Sigh.. It's all server sided, they just notify you when you're at full. It's like facebook. Even if you're not on the app on your phone at the moment, you still get notified if someone sends you a message. Same concept. As for the packet editing with the random generated numbers, it's pretty fucked up. Say you use a scroll to summon, it sends a packet labeled for example summon123 verified 758 to the server. Server takes it like summon123 verified 758, sends back summon758 verified 345. Your game takes in summon758 verified 345, sends back summon758 verified 345, server takes in summon758 verified 345, sends back summon345 verified 546, etc. That verified number is the random generated number. The fact it comes from the server as a random generated number makes it pretty much impossible to find the packet with your injected code to edit it before it's received in your game. So that's where I'm stuck. The only way I can think of it, is if you take in their packet, you know what your packet has for a verified code when you send it back, but you edit it before you send it back, Would require you to have a proxy that will let the packet through when you're done with it. But another problem is that every packet has a random generated time attached to it at very small invervals that makes it valid. Go over the time limit, that packet is useless and isn't accepted. This is why people get the data failed error a lot of time, server is lagging from overload, packets being sent out expire before they come back, results in a data failed error. Creating a fake packet to simulate what you want done doesn't work either cuz of the random generated number. So I'm at a loss for this one pretty much
  9. There is no easy way to hack this, so all you noobs trying to get mana/gold/crystals/glory points just go home and stop giving people like mati a headache. Game sends encrypted packets that contain those values. Your game receives them and sends them back to get confirmed. This happens almost instantly. Intercept the packet before it gets sent back to the server and change the value. That's your only option of actually obtaining whatever value of gold/mana/etc you want without hacking the server data base itself. To intercept it you need to write a code and inject it that will find EXACTLY the one packet out of thousands that contains the value you want to change and changes it before it sends it back to the server. Writing the code and injecting isn't hard. Any dummy can learn that in a couple hours/days at most. The fun part is that those packets have random generated numbers attached to them that get verified. So how do you find the random generated number for the packet to modify its content? If you know how, please share, then we can all have infinite mana/gold/whatever. Till then this is all a waste of time. As for getting banned using a damage hack, there's a couple ways they find you. The battle is done offline, but the packet sent to the server contains the amount of turns/damage done to the monsters. If your damage exceeds what the threshold is, you're banned. There's no way someone could just beat the hardest difficulty in 2 turns. Best way is probably to ask high level players what their nuke monsters can put out, and use those values for your damage. You probably won't be beating everything, but it puts you at a huge advantage and is safe. As for the group, get a skype group going, easiest way to stay organized, and only get people in that can code and have understanding. writing a 'hello word' in java/c++ isn't coding.
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