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    Samsung galaxy TAB 8.9 (stock ICS rooted)

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  1. Trying to make a online game with all data stored on servers offline? Impossible. Its as hard as seeing for blind people. Dont just spam all over the place "plz make an offline mod of this", its still IMPOSSIBLE.
  2. I hacked this with a different way, but a bit easier too. I hacked the money meter in mission, kept the value remembered, and after the mission completed screen came i changed that value back to something like 40k and it worked. Just leave the addres there, because it changes back to normal at the mission completed screen and you have to change it. Remember, at first search search the actual value, and at the second search 1 lower than actual. And as said in this thread before, dont hack too big values. What makes this possible? I think the client holds the mission reward data and sends it to the server, its not server sided.
  3. Everyone who is trying to use this hack, it DOES NOT WORK WITH ANDROID VERSION 4 +. I flashed a stock ICS rommfor my device, and couldnt find the names. If you want to use this hack, you need android honeycomb (or lower, idk if it works with 2.x.x.). Im sorry this does not work with android 4, the game structure is different with it.
  4. Works for me with new 1.6.5 update. I dont know if the fact that i have honeycomb and tegra 2 on my device cause a difference. It might be because i have tegra.
  5. Have you got root access, enabled usb debugging and got the latest version of gamecih and respawnables? If you have, im sorry i have no clue why it isnt working. For me, it works fine and smoothly. You can post what your device is, too.
  6. Oh, sorry i meant version 1.5.6. Not 1.1.8, the latest version.
  7. Name of the game: Respawnables Version if known: 1.5.6 Name of cheat: Infinite ammo, infinite gadgets, Computer controlled player Search regions needed: Float, Name search (Use gameCIH) Infinite ammo 1. Open respawnables and gameCIH 2. Tap input name 3. Search word ammo 4. Change gstatID.currentAmmo value to 90 Infinite gadgets 1. Open respawnables and gameCIH 2. Buy a gadget you want to hack 3. Search the amount of gadgets you have 4. Buy/use gadgets 5. Search the new amount of gadgets you have 6. Repeat 4-5 until you have few adresses left 7. Change the value to whatever you want (The gadget value is in float) Computer-controlled player 1. Tap input name 2. Search for word player 3. Find gstatId.useAIforplayer and change it from 201 to 101 NOTE: You cant control the player after doing this, but this is good use for auto-botting with speedhack. Not recommended to use in multiplayer. Happy hacking :-) EDIT: Does NOT work with android 4 or higher. Works only on honeycomb (or maybe lower). Sorry for this.
  8. This games pretty hard to hack. You can hack training kills,score,hp and ammo, i dont know any other things to hack in it. Money hacks dont work, ive tried o edit character stats too, searching address names, no luck yet. The server kicks if you hack ammo or hp. The game has very little amount of stuff client sided. Havent tried hex editing, though.
  9. Name of Game: Call of mini: zombies Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trinitigame.callofminiandroid&hl=fi Version if you know it: 4.0.1 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Crystals hack Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: I haven't been able to hack crystals because you cant hack them without buying them IAP. Comments: As i wrote, its hard to hack crystals, because you cant get them without in-app purchases. Is there any way to hack them? A gamesave maybe? Pleade try to find a solution.
  10. Doesnt work anymore. Game detects memory editors gameguardian too.
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