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mm6ff8 last won the day on January 24 2020

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  1. You still miss the most important function of Unrandomizer for this particular game: carrying your base with you all the time. Go to a clear spot, Unrandomizer, drop an item, boom, your base come up. Go to another location, repeat, your base moves with you. This trick still works in current version last night I check.
  2. Use Unrandomize for a mobile base that goes with you. Step 1, an empty land Step 2, Unrandomize Step 3, drop an item Note: If your base doesn't come up, restart the game, try again. My old rooted phone works well with Unrandomize, but VMOS tends to have problem.
  3. YouTube, "HOW TO GET EMBA PROJECT DOCUMENTS | DAY R SURVIVAL | GAME GUARDIAN" I hate his all caps title, but the tutorial is good.
  4. Don't duplicate the Christmas balls, it won't work. Don't swap items, either. Do swap addCurrency and spendCurrency functions. Read what I wrote a little before your post. Make sure to replace all found results. It might freeze the game sometimes, but you can get as much event sand settlement currency as you'd like, but not the Caps. Are you talking about Pointer Search? Tap and hold the address to get that extra menu.
  5. Thank you. I've figured out what went wrong, I need to replace all the found result, not just the first one.
  6. I've tried many times to hack currency on VMOS A9, Virtual Master A9, and a real rooted phone Nexus 6P as below. What did I do wrong? .... 13D;0D;Q 'spendCurrency'::20 returns only 1 result, and pointer searched the '0' at 4 spaces above returns some result, get the first one's DWord value, let's call it DWord A. 11D;0D;Q 'addCurrency'::20 also returns only 1 result, and 4 spaces above is not a '0' value in VMOS and Virtual Master, (Pointer search nearby '0's returns nothing), but pointer search this non-0 address does yield some results, get the DWord value, let's call it DWord B. On rooted phone Nexus 6P, 4 spaces above is also a '0' value. Pointer search it, and get the DWord value. Same method, so let me also called it DWord B. Replace DWord A with DWord B value. Open New Year event Shop, let's say, a Painted chest, it either removes 10 as if no hack, or crash. Same with Cap Shop.
  7. Hey, need help. I can find pointer for spendCurrency, but not for addCurrency. And there's a needCurrency right above addCurrency, its pointer found, but using this doesn't work. I'm currently on VMOS A9. Any clue?
  8. Unrandomize function! Unrandomize always gives you Caps. Make sure you turn it off afterwards, or anything less than 100% hit chance in combat is a MISS. Unrandomize in empty land is your base on the go. Unrandomize in Search is 100% success in default founds.
    For V1.1.2, open the.lua script as Text and manually edit 2 numbers to make it work. local checkTarget = 2 --> 0 base_address = results[25].address --> [1]
    It's working for Parallel_Space_4.0.9048_gg_signed.apk and 4.0.9050, but not 4.0.9067 or 4.0.9076 or 4.0.9078. Update please!
  9. Read Sraksis's posts in Page 18 and do the Drop/Pick Up Hack he shared. [added 2 minutes later] 1. No need to change Google account. 2. If your device is rooted. 3. If you have a backup before being banned. 4. Recover the backup.
  10. Known Search, Double. If 0x30 between each item doesn't work for you, try 0x90, or even bigger number. The important thing is to have the idea: search the number of each ingredients in order. For Drop/Pick Up, Sraksis is totally awesome, read his late posts. Make sure you change the second number along with the amount you want. Andkeep in mind that, again, learn the idea! The exact number of bytes could be different, he had ::13 and ::19, and I had ::17.
  11. You're right. On my Nexus 7, it's ::17. No ban! You're a genius!
  12. Interesting, a drop/pick up hack without banning is certainly nice. I'll try your trick on a new profile later and report back.
  13. 0x30 = Hex Number 30 = Decimal Number 3 * 16 = Decimal 48 [added 3 minutes later] To manually hack, you need a basic understanding of Hex number or you can't read what's in the Memory page, and most importantly, read the tutorial first.
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