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  1. View File Chaos Rings 3 Max Items Script Game: Chaos Rings 3 Game Version: 1.1.1 GameGuardian Version: 96.1 Script version: 1.0.1 This is a little something I made to let myself get 99 of every non-equippable item. Doing it manually for 1000+ items this script applies to would've been a lot more tedious, thus, I made this to speed things up. Now, I only need to run this script and it takes just a few seconds to get 99 of all of those. Despite the fact I have max currencies showing on the screenshot, this script does NOT hack that. Mostly because it's much easier to do that manually instead. Submitter TheSingular Submitted 05/28/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  2. Version 1.0.1


    Game: Chaos Rings 3 Game Version: 1.1.1 GameGuardian Version: 96.1 Script version: 1.0.1 This is a little something I made to let myself get 99 of every non-equippable item. Doing it manually for 1000+ items this script applies to would've been a lot more tedious, thus, I made this to speed things up. Now, I only need to run this script and it takes just a few seconds to get 99 of all of those. Despite the fact I have max currencies showing on the screenshot, this script does NOT hack that. Mostly because it's much easier to do that manually instead.
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