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Everything posted by AilinaYork

  1. Oh ok. So your friend was doing it on ios or android, right? i'd like to hack on that too. i hadn't really messed around with that. i play on several accounts and would love to boost a few of them i've found some stuff with the mana and gold on facebook already - by using cheat engine. But I can only use the hack for just a bit and then it just doesn't work anymore. I would definitely love to break through the coding and find something for the shards and gems. Grrrrrrr, I get so frustrated!! .... anyways, hope you're having fun at work. I'm off to bed! Night and thanks
  2. Jenneh - Could you or would you share the trick you used for increasing gems from clearing the trees or rocks? (if that is what you meant?) I tried hacking gems and it looked like it changed them but in fact it didn't. It wouldn't let me make any purchases and it actually took the frew gems that I did have and gave me nothing... . Basically did the same thing with shards. It looked like I had enough but it wouldn't actually follow through with the purchase of an legend hero. But thankfully it didn't take what few shards I have Any tips or tricks would be appreciated and if I find anything, I will share. Thanks!!!
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