I've been using this for the last couple of days and it's working great. I've had zero problems. At first I was just leveling the druid from my 30 days thing. I just finished farming HBM level H with 5 heroes and no troops. I have a pally, ninja, druid, champion, and thunder god. All are level 80 except the druid, who will be 80 in a few minutes. The only ones hacked are the champion, druid, and thunder god. My towers, heroes, and few troops when they pop up are killing everything on HBM H in 1 or 2 hits. Even the heroes that aren't hacked are 1 or 2 shot killing everything. This includes the lvl 140 enemy heroes. It's the same in HBM, arena, dungeons, and raids. I should probably get banned for the raiding part but oh well. Thanks for the hack.