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Everything posted by twstdtstcles

  1. Name of Requested File: Any of the Final Fantasy games. I only play VII back in the day so I don't know which ones would be best on Android. Link To Download: varies Comments: I don't really care about mods or hacks for it, though it would be nice, I just don't want to spend $15 on a game that I might play for 10 minutes. I've tried downloading some on different sites and so far haven't found one that will work Thanks
  2. Anyone that thinks they won't catch on after a few days of people with 5k might farming Lvl H HBM and doing the max lvl dungeons is an idiot. The last few hacks that were released on here wouldn't work in raids or arena so how am I supposed to know they would be effective in them now. I didn't say I was having an arena or raid fest and just farming everything. I'm sure they have s*** set up to automatically detect when something gets cleared faster than "average" or by someone with too low of might. Not to mention there are definitely people constantly scouring the internet looking for hacks for their game and land on sites like this.
  3. I've been using this for the last couple of days and it's working great. I've had zero problems. At first I was just leveling the druid from my 30 days thing. I just finished farming HBM level H with 5 heroes and no troops. I have a pally, ninja, druid, champion, and thunder god. All are level 80 except the druid, who will be 80 in a few minutes. The only ones hacked are the champion, druid, and thunder god. My towers, heroes, and few troops when they pop up are killing everything on HBM H in 1 or 2 hits. Even the heroes that aren't hacked are 1 or 2 shot killing everything. This includes the lvl 140 enemy heroes. It's the same in HBM, arena, dungeons, and raids. I should probably get banned for the raiding part but oh well. Thanks for the hack.
  4. I also landed here looking for a Castle Clash hack and agree with the not wanting to give some rando money for something that might not work. My question before I spend any money, is there a working Castle Clash hack for VIP? Edit: Not trying to hijack your thread
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