First, please follow the rules.
Ok, so, you try to hack Six Guns? Secound, all Gameloft game have hex protection. You cannot find their hex line (where are game money). For your hacikng program, that hex line are invisible. Maybe is like this:
If (playergetkill)
cout « "Money: " « money+1;
And you search for money+1. Or maybe is Java script protection. But this isn't important. To hack this .apk, you must decompile .apk on your computer and search for GetMoneyPlayer and change that to 5000. But, this operation is hard. If you have a rooted device, try with freedom to buy some money. But, you need a last version of Google Play market, and set time for Russia. Or play without cheat... But this is hard so, search on GameGuardian forum for that modded apk. (If it is work).
Sorry for my English.