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  1. alked

    ban system

    well I dont know what kind of meds are you using but it should be nice for make you like that :D, well for me I am glad without them ahaha honesly what is that
  2. alked

    ban system

    I mean for some server sided apps can be mod or hack with javascript codes as hack ex, it was impossible to hack but my team mates made it with java but system detect it and get ban, well also same apps use for payment php check , also using bypass for it for php check but it also get you ban , companies do it in a few second or day depend to them, just hard to make it
  3. alked

    ban system

    well yes, I didnt I can remember still paradise island 2, 2020 my country, megapolis, rival knight, hackex , the survivor, true can be but its not easy or doesnt work everytime , people still cant hack php check or server sided games, only such a few javacodes or different things for help
  4. alked

    ban system

    well it was , just they were change value again or they were block it to do but now , it happened first time insta ban well these days bypass ways are doesnt work, they lock our number, imei number if clear data or try to download again it wont let you, and app is know you , you are banned, before it was easy use cloud system or block this kind of permits but when you do it , you get insta ban again or app is dont let you open it , and still thinking how can open it without do or banned tried different methods as show them there are online, or try to break permit system but dont know where I did a mistake, sometimes I think , ban system come up to screen as pop up maybe there is a way to block it and continue to game ?
  5. maybe you realized too or not no idea but when you are used cheat as freedom, gameguardian, lucky patcher or something else in some games , except, value block, php check or server sided they ban your account. Some companies already started and other companies also following that system and some of them really hard to bypass , well yesterday download 7 games , 2 of them was paid apps and when I tried to hack, 3 of them ban me directly and 2 of them did it today, other 2 dont have a system like that well I tried to do everything , clear data which one belong to apps, and install again, or different gmail accounts , well after give up because it ban me madly and want to check what kind of permit that apps is using and surprised, I was thinking I was the owner of phone but not, also tried with another phone and block these and cant access to game it behave as pirate game or doesnt let you tried all and think , worry about it if other companies move that system too it will be impossible maybe we need bypass app for them, like lucky patcher but only designed for it
  6. lol yes, everybody has different skills but we saw something even server sided is can be hacked and moded so everything is possible, people is proof it with these scripts so even coc or other server sided games too
  7. well this is not belong to him we use different system , in his apk nils I mean you need to 1337 lvl and its impossible lvl up to 1337 when you search money there is a bondsman tool text, we dont have it so we have different but I must accept his has unique javascript even can add money to your account as 1000m or more for make this hack need to know api and nice javascipt maybe d2dyno can do and can add page gameguardian for it but I am not sure its not easy and d2dyno will not accept it because waste a lot of time for mod it , well I am right ? lol
  8. its not possible create a guide becasue game updated to 1.1.4 now 3rd party hack apps doesnt work also billing but people is created a moded apk so how they did ? , there is no script in apk they found a way for hacks as I said on top , moded app connected to another server too so when you request something as hack or crack, check btc on accounts first your request gone to another server , server use scripts and manipulated after server redirecting this request to com.byeline.hackex hack work as like that
  9. simple who know java can make own script people is sell insta hack or spam, also money check and see victim app levels if you cant just buy then because its server sided cant hack with any hack apps only scripts
  10. Name of Game: Hackex Mod Game Version: 1.1.4 Name of Cheat:Mod Steps: Open Hackex Mod Sign up or login Start to hack as normal Mod features Bring you more money Hide your ip for you More secure More easy to hack Before hack show victim free money in bank ( sorry not unlimited bit coin or overlocks ) General problems A bit slow to load depend to country Login problem ( it say you connected with other device after sign up so close game and login again ) İf say cant find the account sign up modder forum you can search on bondsman hackex dont be lazy use google Note: if you have money and high level it will help you to better hack without no waste time or nice for hide yourself from other peole so if d2dyno mod it again or edit maybe easy to make it well I want to share with you Virus results Virus Total: here Jotti: here Virscan: here Metascan: here Download Here SS
  11. well I also saw but how to do hex edit, game guardian, freedom, luckypacher, edit files etc doesnt work edit 03.05: well I found a way for purchase, its work I modified and combine with lucky patcher and freedom apk so they are work together when send billing process with lucky patcher, after it freedom take it and app check it later you took money and in database purchased items you will see your id number and purchase unique identity if you see it its works you can check it with root browser or hack app data but when money is finished you cant buy again it give error code 7 you have already own this item and you are not able to buy again your account stuck in this problem there is a also your account cant take money from other accounts well people can hack it
  12. Name of Game: 101 Okey Plus Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk):https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.peakgames.Yuzbir&hl=en Version:3.3.1 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: unlimited money Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: freedom, gameguardian or hex doesnt work Comments: please mod it
  13. Name of Game: Zombie City Defense Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): here , download Version: 1.1.2 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: gold Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: I tried with editor and gameguardian, freedom apk but result is 0 Comments: please hack it
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