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Everything posted by Buzefil

  1. Video scrap collector unlimited I checked at home and the purchases work with lucky patcher you can also use this trick with gamegardian.
  2. Hi you can modify the unlimited free spins works on some slot machines here is a video Free spin unlimited.mp4 Ps autopause game yes
  3. Buzefil

    Rapid Reload

    A patch will be available in a few days on lucky patcher
  4. Buzefil

    Rapid Reload

    Rooted phone play the games and reach minimum level 5 close the games and Edit this files /data/data/com.gibygames.rapidreload/shared_pref/com.gibygames.rapidreload.v2.playerprefs.xml Find Money <float name="MainWallet" value="999999999.0" /> Gold <float name="GoldWallet" value="999999999.0" /> Energy <float name="EnergyWallet" value="999999999.0" />
  5. Monopoly Slots Money&Dias (#d0dhrkpw)
  6. you can put the free spins unlimited they will be unlimited as long as the game is open even if you change slot machine. procedure first of all you must activate the pause the game function when you do a search in gamegardian Mp4
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