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  1. Does anyone have success?
  2. Open app Root Explorer go to /data/data/com.playrix.homescapes/files/Updates. it's there
  3. I think @NoFear can do it, but it seems he is no longer interested in this game
  4. tried but failed. I hope someone can do it. This youtuber guy succeeded but he didn't provide the code
  5. hello. Does it work?
  6. yes, that is season points hack, I followed your way, but unfortunately the image you uploaded was corrupted, so I couldn't understand. Sorry for my bad English
  7. i can't find the file shared_vars.json , i use Root Explorer, the file name may have changed?
  8. I use LDplayer, install game from Apkcombo ( Homescapes 7.7.1 arm64-v8a ), search C80E42B8r;081540FDr::4509 Edit 28008052r;E803679Er
  9. images have been deleted
  10. Hi @MonkeySAN Can you re-upload the photos?
  11. I did it, thank everyone
  12. Hi @The_rock15 I tried many times, it did nothing. 1. I use Bluestaks (root) and Homescapes 7.7.1 arm64-v8a (not working when search C80E42B8r;081540FDr::4509) 2. I use Memu (root) and Homescapes 7.7.1 download from playstore (not working when search C80E42B8r;081540FDr::4509 but search HEX or UTF-8 i has 27 values) Where am I wrong?
  13. Hi @MonkeySAN after searching for HEX i have 27 values, what should i do next?
  14. Please help new season, Lunar season, the code "C80E42B8r;081540FDr::4509" not working. Im use Homescapes 7.7.1 arm64-v8a on Apkpure and Apkcombo.
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