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  1. akred


    Is there any way to change the values of the items, all the scripts on this forum doesn't work for the latest version of the game and if anyone here can help its much appreciated. Game link-https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.grumpyrhinogames.necromerger
  2. Does anyone have the updated script for the latest version of the game...do i need to open up a different request for the latest version since this is for an older version of the game
  3. How to find and change the values of diamonds and prestige coins....i am a beginner in using gg directly finding the values didn't work, i even tried changing the claim values but nothing is found. Any help is appreciated.....thanks you.
  4. hey did you manage to get it to work, im having the same issue
  5. what are the values you can change and what type of value do i search it in for the game
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