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  1. @Count_NosferatuYes please do if possible
  2. @Count_NosferatuOkay the library is librealracing3.so. From the start in the Xa code region.
  3. @Count_Nosferatu The library is "librealracing3.so" at offset 0x89CBA4 arm64 or x64.
  4. @MarioRossi93i To alter ingame values I had to set a breakpoint and write values at register level. Its a bit inefficient than a GG script that requires only one program to run. As far as I know GG can't read at register level so going that way is impossible. That function is called with am XNORRED value whose key changes every second and the value is updated every second so the only possible spot to see the real value is at offset 0x89CBA4 when its returning from an "unXNORRING" function so that it can be "reXNORRED" again. I dont know If its possible but you seem to have the knowledge to do this. Also as for the working Real Racing 3 script, is it for the Current 12.0.1 version? If it is please send link.
  5. BEWARE!!!!!!! THIS MAY OR WILL GET YOU BANNED! Test on dummy account Tools used: Gameguardian Another term(for LLDB) Radare2(disassembler) Platform: arm64 samsung android 13 What I did: In librealracing3.so go to this offset 0x89CBA4. This is where the programs returns to after previous instruction(function call). Register x0 returns with the various values of games. The function is called many times each time returning a value from game. For me is stared with RS amount, amount gained amount spent. Then gold amount, amount gained. Then MS amount amount gained and amount spent. Set a break point at the abouve offset and watch register x0 every sebsequent iteration to see the values and manipulate at own will. KUDOS Those who can create the Lua script you are welcome to do so.
  6. Silento

    Please Help

    @Count_Nosferatu 's comment covered all I wanted to say.
  7. Silento

    Please Help

    Try long pressing the desired value and open the address. Change value formats to show WORD,DWORD, QWORD etc. If you see the value the same in many data types e.g 1000 is WORD ,DWORD , etc which means you can change the largest data type in which the value exists. This is because the game reads the memory location as a specific data type. If you change in QWORD while game reads in DWORD, you will have problems. Also you could try adding instead of overwriting.
  8. @john316 How about you try the adb pc method and see if it works? If it does then the problem is installing via termux.
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