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    Motorola Edge 20

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  1. Hi Mario. Could you please update this for the new version. I wanted to complete the Endurance Final. But that's a lot of time to give. i would love to auto race and complete it. Thanks a lot for all your support so far.
    Thank uou. It finally worked for me on Nox. The issue seems to be with Android 13.
  2. Reloading the game didn't work. I will try running it in a virtual environment and see if it is working. Thanks a lot.
  3. There is no error. The script runs but nothing changes. Below is what I get but That's not an error. Script ended: Exit. I tried both SW and HW. Is it because I have already unlocked a few rewards? Like probably it only works when the rewards are at zero? Adding a screenshot for the same. Thank you for your time and support.
  4. I tried and it says the below: Script ended: No results found. Try to restart the game. Exit. I ran the script while on the desired car selection screen and nothing happens. Not sure if I am doing something wrong. Thanks a lot for your support.
  5. Hello Mario, could you please update it to version 11.6.1 I am late to the party. But loving all your work so far.
  6. Hello sir, it doesn't work for me. Version 11.6.1 could you please update it? Thanks a lot for your work.
  7. Thank you. Works like a charm.
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