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Pheonix_0 last won the day on August 5 2023

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    Vivo Y55

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  1. Pheonix_0

    Pointer Search

    it's none, that's mean it's 32bit game.. i watch a tutorial video in youtube, it's like cheating game via fields offset dump.cs, i do all step, but it's failed when using pointer search, in the video, it's shows qword in the pointer search, but mine is different... it's only shows dword
  2. Pheonix_0

    Pointer Search

    I want to use Qword in Pointer Search, but only dword appears
  3. okk ty
  4. Did there's a script that can convert a Mod Menu from games/apk to Lua Scripts?
  5. also, what is your name on hybrid animals?, maybe you are famous in that game
    also, what is your nickname in the game?, (just want to know)
  6. idk if there's a script for this game, btw it was expired
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