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  1. It's alright if you aren't. The Toolbox or Il2cpp Fields by BadCase doesn't work, the script just crashes when I try to find class name. I somehow managed to bypass on 64bit so I'm on 64bit right now. (Also can someone remove my discord tag, I forgot to edit it. I also reached max post so I can't post anymore today.)
  2. Can you contact me on Discord if you don't mind? My tag is BULLETBOT#0313. It's kind of annoying to talk here in the forum, so why not talk on Discord.
  3. I use these scripts. BadCase's Il2Cpp Fields (#67en4ypg) Class name and Field offset searcher (#4udgq21d) Field Offset Finder (#yyzay1k) But they are not working. Badcase's script is encrypted though. Dunno about the others.
  4. @nok1a, Can you help with something else too? The thing is I can't use the scripts with the classes and offsets anymore because the game is protected. Do you know how I could do this? (This is my last request I swear)
  5. Thanks! Now it works since I did it again. Someone said "You want dump?" and I replied to that. Sorry if I confused you.
  6. Well yeah, I need it. That's why I want to dump it.
  7. Alright, I will do everything again later. And then if I am done, I will send a post about me dumping them and loading it in il2cppDumper.
  8. I dumped the metadata file from the GG like you did in the video and yet I got the same error for some reason.
  9. That's what I did though.
  10. Hm. The metadata is still protected. I'll show you the addresses and paste the metadata file here.
  11. Thank you, I'll watch the video. If it works, I'll mark it as a best answer.
  12. So should I replace the "LIKEY" to those bytes? Oh, I see. Also can you please record it for me, I don't really understand the process since i'm new to this. I tried the first step but I got like a lot of results from it.
  13. Uh.. What do you mean by "Search metadata.dat magic bytes"? Sorry, I'm new to this stuff and the images doesn't load in 2nd step. Well anyways I can only bypass the game in 32bit but I can't in 64bit for some reason. How did you manage to select the game process without getting kicked out from the game in 64bit?
  14. I've noticed that only the global-metadata.dat is encrypted. When I looked into the metadata file, I found this https://imgur.com/a/XavBIBI from Hxd. It has a "LIKEY" in it, it's probably encrypted because of the LIAPP which the game uses for anti-cheat. Is there any way to decrypt it?
  15. https://www.bilibili.com/video/av542959588/, this should help.
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