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  1. so i found something hackable. there is mini games inside this game one of them zombies attack. zombies walk in roads and you have to set defensive tower to kill it before hit its target. it has two parts: one you have to get 3 stars and second a rank systems. i hacked first one but when i apply my hack to rank one connection lost. but i managed to hack it by speed hack i found zombies speed value in A region float type and set it to 0 this will freeze the zombies. but the thing is evey zombies has it own speed address not all share the same address so i have to search evry zombies speed to freeze it their is alot of them and its take so long. i tried to find a pointer but faild to got it. and i think it possible to hack tower speed attack in rank so i tried to find it speed and failed agian can anyone help me to find rocket tower speed thanks for anyhelp and sorry for my bad english
  2. thanks, so its all server side
  3. Can u help me with it ? dump.cs file: https://app.box.com/s/v04yibg9jj2jvz3oy94eff8p6fm0m3ou
  4. i got a dump.cs file but when i searched inside it for an offset for gold, coin, items or rewards didn't find anything can someone help me with it thanks alot
  5. P.S:All the value shows as (Double)
  6. Game name:Age of Origin aka(AOZ) Google play link:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.camelgames.aoz Is there any way to hack this game? any type of hack Gold, Resource, reward, mission..etc thanks for any help
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