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  1. natively

    Go Candy

    tysm tutorial sir, If something doesn't work, I'll ask on your telegram just make me a script allesa
  2. natively

    Go Candy

    I don't understand the value sir value at the beginning I didn't understand, the video you sent was already in the middle of the road I need a tutorial from scratch, I'm just learning and understanding how game guardian works, I usually play games that you just script allesa can this game be made into a .lua script ?
  3. natively

    Go Candy

    can't it just be used as a script like other games you can make the script for
  4. natively

    Go Candy

    Im starting to see nothing like your value allesa
  5. natively

    Go Candy

    im using 64bit sir
  6. natively

    Go Candy

    help plis sir
  7. natively

    Go Candy

    I need help to unlock 2000 meter depth, can anyone make a script
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