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Everything posted by Marks01

  1. Hi, I used Chainer 0.2, the search was 3x2560 (3x256 found nothing). I saved the result, restarted the game, ran the save script. In the end it gave me the wrong value. How to be and how to find the correct one?
  2. Your script is not working. When it is executed, "Stop Bruh".
  3. Hello, please tell me, how did you find the score multiplier? I'd really like to crack it.
  4. Could you update the script to version 3.15.0?
  5. Marks01


    LDPlayer 3.130 (Android 5.1.1 - armeabi-v7a) Something's not right. It's not exactly what I asked for, but thanks for the effort.
  6. Marks01


    HP, Speed, Attack, Defense, Sp.Attack, Sp.Defense
  7. Marks01


    I tried it. Doesn't work on version
  8. Marks01


    In version normal and encrypted search does not help.
  9. Marks01


    Hello! The version of the game Coromon updated from 0.6.10 to Now I can not hack the characteristics of my Coromon. I used to do this without any problems, the link is to the video below. https://youtu.be/-WE7k2yPQXI Now, when I try to find this value, I fail. Also when I updated to the latest version of the game, the game stopped running my save. Please help me hack the characteristics of coromons in the new version of the game.
  10. I mean, they don't display numbers, so they're 1. But I don't know how to find that, if I start looking for the number 1, there will be a lot of results.
  11. I also don't understand how you found the chef's hats and gloves.
  12. Should you search for gold in a group search? I tried searching specifically for JackPot, but it gives me too many values.
  13. Help
  14. Please help me hack this game for everything possible. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.openmygame.games.android.wordpizza&hl=en_US&gl=US
  15. I tried using the Cheat Engine, but I can't figure out how to set the maximum value. The gold value is in 4Bytes and all I could do was set it to 999b, but that's not enough. How do I get it to be bigger? I tried changing it to Double, but it doesn't help. I saw on YouTube how people put themselves 1936ud gold.
  16. Hello, thanks for the working option, but the thing is that my smartphone does not have root access. This is not an option for me. Is it possible to install VPhoneGaga on an LDPLayer?
  17. I did everything as in the 1st video, but after turning off the root modules stop working. So I decided to do everything as in the 2 videos, I was able to run the game, but the game 10 seconds after starting detects GG and closes. I tried different modes of hiding GG, but it did not help me.
  18. I just installed LDPlayer 9, the modules were installed, but I do not understand why I need to disable root after installing modules? After disabling root I can't open the modules tab in Magisk, it is grayed out and not clickable. I had to enable root again.
  19. Hi, thank you very much for the detailed video guide, BUT it didn't work for me. I get an error when I try to install the modules. When selecting "CONTENT URI" an installation error occurs. If you select "FILE PATH", MiXplorer closes with an error. I would also like to know what version of LDPlayer you use, because they are very different from mine. I use LDPLayer 4.0.81 [32-bit], what version do you use? This is your system: It's mine:
  20. I installed Hide My Applist, but I don't understand how to use it. I've tried different templates, but it doesn't work.
  21. Did I do it right? I tried Sudo Hide and XPrivacyLua on VMOS, but it didn't work to hide the GG.
  22. I do not work, tried to do as you wrote, but it did not help. Also tried Xposed Installer 3.1.5 Framework 89 + SudoHide, it did not help. I wanted to try XPrivacyLuaPro-v0.83-release, but Xposed Installer does not see it in modules. I used LDPlayer 4
  23. I installed VirtualXposed, installed GG in it. The game started, but immediately found GG and closed. It turns out that even VirtualXposed does not help, what to do?
  24. I cannot install VirtualXposed because I use VMOS or LDPlayer.
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