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Everything posted by MANDO01

  1. I have an idea to block log but idk it will work or not I'm 80% sure it will not work but i will just say it I will try to make word like oyyosyodoysyodhldkhdtiars or something meaningless i just wanted it to be special I just want it gg to log it then i will search in all the device to this word then if this word exists the script will delete him self The problem is how to search in all the device ? is there's a way to do that
  2. I need block log
  3. Well this an example how to log gg script Okay you can't execute it but you still can get the value from that what i want to block
  4. Bro even after i obfuscate it can be gg can log it
  5. Okay but how to obfuscateion ? Bro I'm not taster and idk Lots about encryption I just want a encrypt or block log gg Or anything like that i don't want to anyone decrypt or log my script
  6. Well for me anything can get the value from its decrypt
  7. And the (Import Extra GG Code) I don't understand How i can put my codes I will use io.write or what??? I'm confused now
  8. Here Video_20220725061428305_by_VideoShow.mp4 Video_20220725061643886_by_VideoShow.mp4 Bro i don't want something hard to read I want something they can't find anything in it bc gg decryption can decrypt anything
  9. I did decrypt it and it's easy to decrypt it
  10. I want to encrypt lua I not sure i understand what you saying But is there a easy way to encrypt but good one no one can decrypt it Bc idk JWT or SHA
  11. I need a good encryption can someone help me i did found alot But i think i can decrypt all of them
  12. I think I understand what you saying function HOME() while true do if gg.isVisible(true) then sys = 1 gg.setVisible(false) end if sys == 1 then H = gg.multiChoice({ "test", "EXIT SCRIPT",},nil,"") if H == nil then else if H[1] == true then test() end if H[2] == true then os.exit() end end sys = -1 end end end function test() while true do if gg.isVisible(true) then sys = 1 gg.setVisible(false) end if sys == 1 then L = gg.multiChoice({ "test 2", "BACK TO MAIN MENU",},nil,"") if L == nil then else if L[1] == true then test2() end if L[2] == true then HOME() end end sys = -1 end end end function test2() gg.alert("hello") end while true do if gg.isVisible(true) then sys = 1 gg.setVisible(false) end if sys == 1 then HOME() end end
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