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Posts posted by MANDO01

  1. On 3/27/2024 at 6:37 PM, THETWINSOFFICIAL said:


    Yes  why use L0_0 for gg




     Maybe to trick the leechers?

    maybe if he did
    gg = anything useless (gg will become dead)

  2. 12 hours ago, Modingph said:

    can you give me a quick answer about this issue. i have dump which contain offsets but offsets wont work i tried. class name finder give me error says game is not unity based. surely it is unity

    offsets xa and cd
    why you selecting (A) range only ? 

    12 hours ago, Modingph said:

    i found out that xa lib il2cpp is not starting at 13,073. something 

    then you got the wrong num 

  3. 1 hour ago, AxelGameGuardian said:

    Example I Got this ui 




    ⇽     ⇾               Done

    I got 3 choice if i want to go in 2 i will just click ⇾ This arrow then the ⇨ this arrow will go in 2 if i click done the 2nd function will appear and if i want to back in 1 i will just click ⇽ This arrow and the arrow ⇨ will go in 1

    you can use gg.alert()
    but like that you makeing everything harder to use 
    i don't know why you wanna do that or even why you think to do it

  4. 24 minutes ago, Purrssian said:


    I've been trying to figure this out, but is it possible to add to a value, do not replace in a table?

    gg.searchNumber("7;100;7000;60", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
    local t = gg.getResults(4)
    t[1].value = '9E9'
    t[2].value = '-3.4E38' --I want to add to value, do not replace--
    t[3].value = '50000'
    t[4].value = '3.4E38' --I want to add to value, do not replace--


    you can use this

    table.insert(t, "-3.4E38") -- but it will add it in the end of the table !
    -- if you want to add it in index 2 without replacing it you can use this 
    table.insert(t, 2,"-3.4E38") --it will add it as index 2 and it will make the old index 2 to 3 etc


  5. 43 minutes ago, kiynox said:

    [ @_yourram ]

    There's a lot of errors, but I will only explain:

    --Clearing results
    --Set memory region to Ca
    --Search string: "nDstDist"
    gg.searchNumber(':nDstDist', 1)
    --Refining results that only contain '110' (I have no idea why)
    gg.refineNumber('110', 1)
    --Saving results as variable 'maintest'
    maintest = gg.getResults(6)
    --Clearing results
    --Taking address of the first result of 'maintest', then use offset -0x18 from the address.
    maintest2 = maintest[1].address - 0x18
    --Searching address of 'maintest2' (I have no idea why)
    gg.searchNumber(maintest2, 32)
    --Saving results as variable 'results'
    local results = gg.getResults(19)
    --(A table that only contain 1, why? (I have no idea why)
    local resultnumber = {1}
    --Temporary table to store items
    local elements = {}
    --Enumerating table 'resultnumber' that only contain 1, what? (I have no idea why)
    for i, v in ipairs(resultnumber) do
    --Check if 'v' is not empty
    if results[v] ~= nil then
    --Adding table: {address = results[v].address, flags = 16,value = "-9e9"}, to table 'elements'
    table.insert(elements, {address = results[v].address, flags = 16,value = "-9e9"})
    --Checking if table 'elements' has more than 0 item
    if #elements > 0 then
    --Applying changes in table 'elements' to memory


    maybe his trying to make a no idea script lol

  6. 42 minutes ago, _yourram said:

    maybe you didn't read my question properly, it gives only one result from 1st to 4th search and the result gets changed every time after "restart" 

    Bruh, I just want the script to skip all first results and move on to the second search if the first result is empty.

    here you can do it like this or you can use function

    -- 1st Search Results ↓
    gg.searchNumber("8243126118139469840", 32)
    gg.refineNumber("8243126118139469840", 32)
    -- Check if there are results
    if gg.getResultsCount() > 0 then
        local t = gg.getResults(1)
        for i,v in pairs(t) do
            t[i].address = t[i].address - 0xC
            t[i].flags = 4
            t[i].value = 0
            t[i].freeze = false
        local t = gg.getResults(10)
        for i,v in pairs(t) do
            t[i].address = t[i].address + 0x2C
            t[i].flags = 16
            t[i].value = 0
            t[i].freeze = true
        local t = gg.getResults(10)
        -- for how many milliseconds do you want to spawn troll? (1 second = 1000)
        for i,v in pairs(t) do
            t[i].address = t[i].address + 0x2C
            t[i].flags = 16
            t[i].value = 190
            t[i].freeze = true
        print("No results found for the 1st search. Moving to the 2nd search.")
        -- 2nd Search Results ↓
        gg.searchNumber("7243116118139472821", 32)
        -- Continue with the rest of the script for the 2nd search...


  7. 18 minutes ago, _yourram said:

    I wanna write script like this structure but I can't write↓

    chatspam = gg.prompt({"Enter which letter you want to spam?

    0 = A

    1 = B

    2 = C

    3 = D

    4 = E

    5 = F

    6 = G

    7 = H

    8 = I

    9 = J

    10 = K

    11 = L

    12 = M

    13 = N

    14 = 0

    15 = P

    16 = Q

    17 = R

    18 = S

    19 = T

    20 = U

    21 = V

    22 = W

    23 = X

    24 = Y

    25 = Z "},

    {[1] ="0"},

    {["1"] ="number"})

    if chatspam == nil then 

        gg.alert("you haven't searched anything so the script will restart!")



    gg.editAll(chatspam[1] ,gg.TYPE_FLOAT)

    chatspam = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount())



    you can use [[]] like this 

    chatspam = gg.prompt({[[Enter which letter you want to spam?
    0 = A
    1 = B
    2 = C
    3 = D
    4 = E
    5 = F
    6 = G
    7 = H
    8 = I
    9 = J
    10 = K
    11 = L
    12 = M
    13 = N
    14 = 0
    15 = P
    16 = Q
    17 = R
    18 = S
    19 = T
    20 = U
    21 = V
    22 = W
    23 = X
    24 = Y
    25 = Z ]]},
    {[1] ="0"},
    {["1"] ="number"})


  8. On 1/2/2024 at 2:59 AM, SussyBaka69 said:

    I have tested F1VM and no game shows up only 64x things are showing

    I have tested virtual master too but for some reason superuser cannot be used 



    if game guardian ask you root or no root you should choose root
    this should work if not then idk

  9. On 11/8/2023 at 5:29 AM, trafo said:

    Pleas help me.

    I have dump.cs, and want to use it manualy hack the game. Buy i don't know how 😅🙇

    I try to find the offset with search the methodh name with string search " : " but It's empty/not found.i have try in 'A','ca',and 'other' memory.

    Btw they make the methodh name with random word

     offset in xa rang

    Filed offset in a rang

    Use Filed offset and class name (Field Offset Finder) to get filed offset 

    To use offset in xa there's alot of videos in youtube

  10. 19 hours ago, MC189 said:

    Hi @h1neky, I've fixed some bugs on the Parser and Itters. It's should work now:

    for i in response:gmatch('[^\n% ]+') do
    	passwords[i:gsub('[%c%s]', '')] = true --Fixed \r not trimmed, now the Parser will remove any blankspace
    local askPassword = gg.prompt({"Input your Password: "}, nil, {"text"})
    if not askPassword then
    	print("Password Empty")
    for key, value in pairs(passwords) do
    	if askPassword[1] == key then --Fixed Iteration only the first item by removing else statement
    		print("Password Validated!")

    You code have some bugs

    -- Create an empty table to store the passwords
    local passwords = {}
    -- Make a request to the password file and store the response content
    local response = gg.makeRequest('http://thscriptgg.mygamesonline.org/work/passwords.txt'). contents 
    if not response then
    print("access to the internet is needed")
    -- Parse the response and store the passwords in the table
    for password in response:gmatch('%S+') do
        passwords[password] = true
    -- Ask the user for a password and trim any leading or trailing whitespace
    local askPassword = gg.prompt({"Input your Password: "}, nil, {"text"})
    if not askPassword or not askPassword[1] then -- Check if the input is empty
        print("Password Empty")
    local password = askPassword[1]:match('%S+') -- Trim leading/trailing whitespace from the input
    -- Check if the input password matches any of the passwords in the table
    if passwords[password] then
        print("Password is right!")
        print("Invalid Password!")

    You can see the passwords in the link 

  11. 7 hours ago, MAARS said:

    Just put this on top of your script, the problem here will be that if the user is aware than you script self destruct, he can just make copies and execute the copies each time

    local f_name  = gg.getFile():match("^.+/(.+)$")
    local nf_name = math.random(10 ^ 9, 10 ^ 10 - 1) .. ".lua"
    os.rename(f_name, nf_name)
    -- Your code start bellow here
    gg.alert("I have deleted myself.")


    And this why I said to store file 😄

  12. 17 hours ago, MAARS said:

    That unnecessary, you can delete it right away on the execution, cause when you execute a script, it will be loaded in the memory, and the file source code is no longer needed until next execution 

    Not everyone has root privilege, and just like the /root, game data folder is no longer accessible without root on recent android version 10+

    Okay your right do you have another solution 😄

  13. 2 hours ago, h1neky said:

    I need that when entering a password, the script looked for whether there is a given password on the site and, if there is, activated the script

    The script 

    local Menu = gg.prompt({"Password: "},nil,{"text"})
    if not Menu then return end
    Variable = "the php file link "
    C = gg.makeRequest(Variable).content
    for i= 1,#pass do
    if Menu[1] == pass[i] then
    A = true
    if A ~= true then gg.alert("️ Incorrect password entered") return else gg.alert("You have successfully entered the script!") end

    The php file 

    $FileName = "passwords.txt";
    if (file_exists($FileName)){
    $f = fopen($FileName,"r");
    $r = fgets($f);
    exit("pass = ".$r);

    The passwords file


    And here is it it's done

  14. 58 minutes ago, _insidious said:

    storing another file is the most useless thing to even suggest, i need the script will get autodestroyed after use

    Save a file when the script executed for the first time and if this file exists make the script delete himself so even if he saved a backup it will delete himself when execute

  15. 1 hour ago, h1neky said:

    Hello everyone, I came across a great script to make a password for the script 

    local Passwords = {"4257"}
    local Menu = gg.prompt({"Password: "},nil,{"text"})
    if not Menu then return end
    for l , I in pairs(Passwords) do
    if Menu[1] == I then A = true end
    if A ~= true then gg.alert("️ Incorrect password entered") return else gg.alert(" You have successfully entered the script!") end

    Tell me how to make the Passwords variable take passwords from a text document located on the site 

    Website with passwords https://hinsite.ga/passwords.txt [not ad]


    I apologize in advance for the way I write in English. I am Belarus 

    Do you mean to take password from txt In website and equals this passwords to the user input?

    If you want do this it's can be done with php easily

  16. 14 hours ago, _insidious said:

    i wanna make that my script works only one time so at exit the script will be autodestroyed is it possible?

    You can save a file in the device if this file exists delete the script if it's not the execute it

    You just need a good place to hide this file



  17. 15 hours ago, Fowskill said:

    ITS My script/
    function skill()
      local itemType = gg.choice({
        "🪓Weapon Type0️⃣1️⃣",
        "🪓Weapon Type 0️⃣2️⃣",
        "🪓Weapon Type 0️⃣3️⃣",
        "🪓Weapon Type 0️⃣4️⃣",
      }, nil, "ℹWhat kind of Skill☯️ do you want to Trade?🔄")
      if itemType == nil then
      local item = gg.choice(map(itemsSpec[itemType], function(item)
        return item.name
      ), nil, "ℹWhich Weapon Type ☯️ do you want to choose✅?")
      if item == nil then
      gg.searchNumber(I need here seach my itemsspec ID, gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)

     its my itemsspec
    itemsSpec = {
          id = 1,
          name = "1️⃣ Single Arrow "
          id = 2,
          name = "2️⃣ Rain Blue "
          id = 3,
          name = "3️⃣ Fire Arrow "
          id = 4,
          name = "4️⃣ Green Projectile"
          id = 5,
          name = "5️⃣ Black Spell "
          id = 6,
          name = "6️⃣ Blue Projectile "


    Your array is missing an array here an example i made

    mo = {
        {id = 1,name = "one Single Arrow "},
        {id = 2,name = "two Rain Blue "},
        {id = 3,name = "three Fire Arrow "},
        {id = 4,name = "four Green Projectile"},
        {id = 5,name = "five Black Spell "},
        {id = 6,name = "six Blue Projectile "}
    },{ -- I'm sure 80% you forgot to add this in your array or any other array -- and game guardian will not tell you to add the missing "{" he will tell you to remove the closeing "}" .
    {id = 8,name = "some one "},
    {id = 10,name = "some body "},
    {id = 13,name = "some reason "},
    {id = 15,name = "some thing "},
    {id = 12,name = "some day "},
    {id = 143,name = "some time "},

    If you want to call this array it will be like

    print(itemsSpec[1][2]) -- {id = 2,name = "two Rain Blue "}
    print(itemsSpec[1][6]) -- {id = 6,name = "six Blue Projectile "}
    print(itemsSpec[2][1]) -- {id = 8,name = "some one "}
    print(itemsSpec[2][6]) -- {id = 143,name = "some time "}
    print(itemsSpec[2][2].id) -- 10
    print(itemsSpec[2][3].name)  -- some time
    -- if you forget the array the answers will be like this
    print(itemsSpec[1][2]) -- {id = 2,name = "two Rain Blue "}
    print(itemsSpec[1][6]) -- {id = 6,name = "six Blue Projectile "}
    print(itemsSpec[2][1]) -- nil
    print(itemsSpec[2][6]) -- nil
    print(itemsSpec[2][2].id) -- error 
    print(itemsSpec[2][3].name) -- error 

    If you forget the array this error will come to you 


  18. 15 hours ago, Fowskill said:

    Need help to
    Make a setting type (and what would then be saved in cfg)
    and then these values were used in the script

    my exaple
     t[i] = {
                address = i.address + 4,
                flags = 16,
                value = (HERE VALUE OF THIS gg.prompt)

    who can help with ?

    I didn't understand anything you said


  19. 6 hours ago, No1AndEvery1 said:

    Now it works, but for some reason it lasts only for 1 game and then I have to restart the script to work again. I found out that the value I need can be found instantly with this command (so now before opening the menu you don't have to search for the value and remember it), but when I insert this way of searching after the function (where dword editing is) gg does not search or change float. how can I fix it?

    gg.searchNumber("0~1000", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0x6f3018054c, 0x6f3018054c, 0)




    4 hours ago, No1AndEvery1 said:

    Maybe the button does not work completely the second time because a lot of values are saved

    Impossible 🤔

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