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Posts posted by MANDO01

  1. On 2/18/2023 at 3:01 AM, No1AndEvery1 said:

    Very well so far everything is working, but since I am not good at writing scripts, I would also like to know if it is possible when running the hack to change the value found to 0 from the saved list, then apply the code I attached, edit the float to 1000, and then delete only the dword?

    If it is possible, I would like the hack button to change the float to 0, then execute the attached code, then need to edit the float to 1000 and then need to delete all dword values after that. Float does not need to be frozen.

    If this isn't possible I want to implement it another way, I need to keep the float because I'm looking for it with a long group search, but when it is found once at the beginning of the script I can copy its address to game guardian memory and search instantly by changing the memory range to the one I copied.

    And I also want to have 3 identical hack buttons.

    local function setAddr(addr, flags, value, freeze)
      local t      = {}
      t[1]         = {}
      t[1].address = addr
      t[1].flags   = flags
      t[1].value   = value
      t[1].freeze  = freeze
    gg.searchNumber("1111111111", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
    local r = gg.getResults(3)
    if #r == 0 then
      gg.alert("No results found")
    for _, v in ipairs(r) do
      local addr = v.address - 100
      setAddr(addr, 4, "2499", true)
    for _, v in ipairs(r) do
      local addr = v.address - 104
      setAddr(addr, 4, "0", true)

    Any answer will do.

    Done i think



  2. On 2/15/2023 at 11:44 PM, No1AndEvery1 said:

    I need a script that, when started, will find 3 Help me make a template for the script. I need a script that, when started, will find 3 float values by group search, then save the very first one and clear the search, then open a menu with hack functions. The menu should close when you click on an empty space or button, but open when you click on the GG icon without stopping (without restarting) the script.

    I made everything you said but you said the menu will have hack functions

    what do you want to add there like to edit the value you just search or what and how many hacks do you want 



  3. 1 hour ago, MC189 said:

    Hi @MANDO01, I think it's just confirm it. F1 VM has a buggy Daemon that causing this, MyAndroidToolsPro also requires Daemon to see the LogCat.

    • - Basicly, the app aren't able to deploy it's services. Have you tried another Virtual Machine or check new updates for F1 VM?
    • - You can always check if Services is deployed when You see multiple PID on the running process:
    su -c pidof com.myandroidtools.pro
    #Should be shows: 1084, 8089 (or more PID)
    • - Alternatively, you can use Termux again to see the LogCat:
    su -c 'logcat > /sdcard/log.txt'

    In the end, I'm really sure it was  F1 VM Fault. If Daemon is buggy, then it would affect any Apps, not just GG. Termux and MyAndroidToolsPro can fails because of this.

    Should I send to you the log ?

  4. 30 minutes ago, MC189 said:

    Hi @MANDO01, I think it's just confirm it. F1 VM has a buggy Daemon that causing this, MyAndroidToolsPro also requires Daemon to see the LogCat.

    • - Basicly, the app aren't able to deploy it's services. Have you tried another Virtual Machine or check new updates for F1 VM?
    • - You can always check if Services is deployed when You see multiple PID on the running process:
    su -c pidof com.myandroidtools.pro
    #Should be shows: 1084, 8089 (or more PID)
    • - Alternatively, you can use Termux again to see the LogCat:
    su -c 'logcat > /sdcard/log.txt'

    In the end, I'm really sure it was  F1 VM Fault. If Daemon is buggy, then it would affect any Apps, not just GG. Termux and MyAndroidToolsPro can fails because of this.

    Well after the last message i send to you i tryed my androidtoolspro again and when i click to much in logcat i get the log

  5. 4 hours ago, MC189 said:

    Hi @MANDO01, Daemon Failed means it can't instantiate a background process/service because of Occupied Permission/Access. The cause is something that accessing a Root Directory or accessing Local Network (something that requires High Level of Permission). The only way is to restart your device. There's no effective solution to this since the causes may vary. If you're anoyyed, you can always try several things as your first step:

    • - You can determine the reason behing Failing Daemons by monitoring your app activtiy using logcat: MyAndroidTools Pro has a nice logcat feature or even modifying system app properties. Don't forget to also analyse malicious / unnecessary apps that accessing Libnetd, a simple Packet Capturer can give you a better result: PCAPdroid
    • - I don't know if F1 VM has a Dual User Space like Xiaomi did, as it can cause the same issue related to Daemon. Probably, creating multiple Instance of F1 VM can also be the reason.
    • - You might want to disable any existing Firewall Client through Termux.

    However, it could also because of GG being buggy on F1 VM (or opposite), as you said: "sometimes it works fine and sometimes i get this error".

    Myandroidtools pro i got this error in every part of the app FAILED TO GIN ROOT ACCESS

    i restarted f1vm 3 times and still the same error and game guardian working fine 



  6. 42 minutes ago, under_score said:

    open gameguardian inside of f1vm

    Or maybe f1vm is corrupt, try to uninstall f1vm and install it again

    well i think you didn't understand me

    I mean when i open game guardian in f1vm 

    sometimes it works fine and sometimes i get this error 

    And I tried to reinstall it so many times




  7. 7 hours ago, MainC said:

    Hi! Yes, It's possible. ELSE will carries any Values other than 1 (On Above Script). You don't need to Specificly define all Condition, Unless You had to do something When 'That' Conditions met.

    local switch = 1
    if switch == 1 then --Do Something if Condition is 1
    else if switch == 2 then --Do Something if Condition is 2
    else --Do Something if Condition is other than 1 and 2 (Accept any value A-Z 0-Infinite)

    This apply accross any language, In fact; checking every Conditions is NOT Recommended in Optimization Perspective even It is supported by ANY Hardware (Computer is basicly a bunch of 0 and 1 Input). Take some Example from Yandere Dev Simulator on How ELSE IF can Affect Performance: Code Review for Yandere Simulator
    Some demonstration in other language:

    # Good Practice
    switch = 1
    if switch == 1:
    elif switch == 2:
    # Bad Practice
    if switch == 1:
    elif switch == 2:
    elif switch > 2:
    elif switch 0:

    Cool I know it's in other languages but i didn't know it's in lua

  8. local file = '/Dump/niggers.lua' --This is Your File location.
    menu = gg.choice({"Call File", "Exit"}, nil, "Main") --Ordered Choice (Call = 1, Exit = 2)
    if menu == 1 then --Check if User chooce 'Call'
    	if not (io.open(gg.EXT_STORAGE .. file, 'r')) then --Check if Script is NOT Downloaded
    		fileData = gg.makeRequest('https://pastebin.com/raw/hNhEbgVd').content --Read Script from URL
    		if not fileData then --Check if Pastebin is Empty
    			print('Site is Down') --Tell User that URL is Invalid
    			gg.saveList(gg.EXT_STORAGE .. '/' .. file, gg.LOAD_APPEND) --If Pastebin exist, makes a New Lua File
    			fileAppend = io.open(gg.EXT_STORAGE .. file, 'w'):write(fileData) --Save Pastebin Script into the New Lua
    			dofile(gg.EXT_STORAGE .. file) --Run the Downloaded Script
    		dofile(gg.EXT_STORAGE .. file)  --Run the Downloaded Script
    	os.exit() --Exit the Script

    You didn't write

    if menu == 2 then os.exit() end

    You wrote

    else os.exit() end

    is that even possible 👀

  9. On 12/15/2022 at 5:59 PM, under_score said:

    that is impossible, that menu will always appear if the script needs internet

    No it's possible lol

    But i can't test it and i need the code to test it even without links i just need the code

    On 12/15/2022 at 12:46 PM, Unnamed1 said:

    Well I made it download but now i need to Know how to Actually stop the pop up after it completely download since the file already there and ready to execute in the main lua heres the example i wanted to remove Would be helpful if anyone can help thanks!

    test = loadfile("the file you want to open")
    if not test then 
    -- then download 
    -- then just exit

    This should work i think 🤔 try it 

    This without testing !!!!

  10. 16 minutes ago, WavyDavy said:

    Looked up some vids and a post on xda my version of the s22 ultra cant be rooted just thought I'd let you know.

    That's sad use virtual machine 

  11. 4 hours ago, WavyDavy said:

    Yea android 12 why wouldn't i pay? Even if there a free version

    Because you can get it for free 😐

    But If you insist on paying 

    pay me 😂🤣

  12. On 8/30/2022 at 7:14 AM, WavyDavy said:

    Is it that easy? Feel like ive seen tuts that are complicated and longer. Isnt there to separate s22 ultra versions with different processors

    If you don't wanna root your device just use x8 sandbox or f1vm or any virtual machine 

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