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Everything posted by kiynox

  1. [ @GTXGAMING ] --- There's no universal script that ables to decrypt any encrypted values for any games. It is depends on how the game encrypt the values. Can be with different secret key, xor or even hashing. --- Pretty much the same. The encrypted value is often somewhere near un-encrypted value (visual value). So you just need do some offset calculation. Or you can also find neighboring debug symbol / string that related / near encrypted value. Then do the same, calculating offset. --- So, you can do some experiment by finding the un-encrypted value (visual only value) -> goto the address -> find any neighboring address that have large values (usually there's 4-2 large values near each other) -> then sets it to 0 -> some of that large value address is probably have the correct address, so try to change it to 9999 (whatever).
  2. [ @Silento ] --- OP wants 2 things: constantly check register value & load allocated memory. So I will cover more about loading memory allocation, since we don't know yet what this memory allocation holds, either instruction/strings: - If it's single instruction, then the OP is in right direction using mov pair (mov, movk, movz), to load immediate address. If it's fails, then you can use ADRP/ADD pair or using Offset/PC relative address, as most instruction doesn't support immediate address. ldr x0, 0x100 --Offset/PC relative (ldr address to our target address) - If it hold strings, it is doable using Game Guardian: Load Address from Allocated Memory or load immediate address (like #1) ---
  3. [ @GuyLian ] --- The reason I ask you is because: Software/Hardware sets the register value at current state, meaning that you need to change all/specific instruction that does "mov w21, 0xB0FF" to "mov w21, 0xB0CC" Since the value on the register is often changing (based on current execution), meaning that you need to always hook the register/watch any changes into register. You can't done this using Game Guardian, it is only for Memory editing not debugging. You need to use Memory Debugging app like GDB or Ghidra. Your ARM64 Assembly OPCode: ("cmp w21, #0xb0ff ...") will not affect anything since it is not being executed. Beside using Memory Debugger, you can also create seperate thread within the App (Like Mod Menu) to always constantly check for Register value. Although this is bad, constantly checking register means that it is resource extensive and the thread will likely killed by the OS. Yes, Android have auto-prevention that will shut threads/apps that resource extensive (Phantom processes). --- Albeit, constantly checking Register value is bad in general and not doable in Game Guardian for reasons above. Better just changing any "mov w21, 0xB0FF" instruction into "mov w21, 0xB0CC".
  4. [ @GuyLian ] --- Have you tried to change it as Hex (not as ~A8) ? --- Have you tried with mov? mov x0, #0xE000 movk x0, #0x6AE0, LSL #16 movk x0, #0x78D2, LSL #32 --- Can you tell me what you're trying to achieve? ---
  5. [ @john316 ] --- Then the problem is: you need to enable "USB Debugging" on Developer Settings, or you need to repeatedly kill-start the ADB server until it works: ---
  6. [ @Hann26 ] --- It means the adb didn't start correctly, restart the adb server: sudo adb kill-server sudo adb start-server ---
  7. [ @Vaibhavmeghe13 ] --- 1) Perhaps you IP is banned from Cloudflare CDN, you can either: - Change your DNS settings to "" - Use VPN like SSH/V2Ray or etc: SSH Ocean 2) Or the files is no longer exist (removed), so you no longer able to download it. If you're looking for virtual apps, I recommend to switch into Virtual Machine (VPhoneGaGa) as it is much better in terms of compatibility and many others: - VPhoneGaGa - VMos Pro - x8Sandbox - F1VM ---
  8. [ @INVISIBLE007 ] --- Try to do the following: - Run this command on Termux: su setenforce 0 - Open Game Guardian -> "Fix It" button -> Switch to work with SELinux - The crash might be caused from Legacy Storage, try: su cmd appops set <package name> android:no_isolated_storage allow cmd appops set <package name> android:legacy_storage allow --Change <package_name> to Game Guardian package name, for example: com.abdcde --- 4 gb main ram and 4 gb virtual Are you refers into virtual apps or virtual ram? --- If this continues, please send us some logs: > Game Guardian logs: Game Guardian -> "Fix It" button -> generate logs -> Send the log here at your internal storage. > Send your android logcat: use MyAndroidToolsPro or ADB: adb logcat > logs.txt ---
  9. [ @MAARS ] --- Sure, but you get the idea. ---
  10. [ @vaibhavi ] --- You can use: GGIL2CPP or Zygisk-Il2CppDumper as an Magisk module. For example using GGIL2CPP: require("Il2cppApi") Il2cpp() print(Il2cpp) ---
  11. [ @KezzaFr ] --- You can use Magisk on LDPlayer, then use these LSPosed modules: - HideMyAppList - Shamiko - XPrivacyLua - SudoHide After that, do the following on Game Guardian: - Prevent Unload: level 1-4 - Hide Game Guardian from the Game: 1-4 - Bypass PTrace: Restore/Freeze ---- Goodluck.
  12. [ @mswfeijiang ] --- I recommend for you to use: Magisk and use these modules along with LSPosed: - HideMyAppList - Shamiko - XPrivacyLua - SudoHide After that, do the following on Game Guardian: - Prevent Unload: level 1-4 - Hide Game Guardian from the Game: 1-4 - Bypass PTrace: Restore/Freeze ---- Goodluck.
  13. kiynox


    Version 1.0.0


    A BarBarQ: scripts that works on: Training Mode Battle Arena Fantasy Land (Normal & Nightmare) This script is dumped from some hack-client servers.
  14. kiynox


    [ @Koolie ] --- You just need to save the earlier results into memory: function increments(memo) gg.clearResults() memo_temp = {} second_memo = gg.getValues(memo) for k, v in ipairs(second_memo) do memo_temp[k] = { ['address'] = v.address, ['flags'] = v.flags, ['value'] = tonumber(v.value) + 1 } end gg.setValues(memo_temp) end gg.searchNumber('10', gg.TYPE_DWORD) memo = gg.getResults( gg.getResultsCount() ) --First Increment increments(memo) --Second Increment increments(memo) ... --- *Fixed. I forgot something
  15. kiynox

    Help with waydroid

    [ @ash_9 ] --- There's nothing useful to read on the waydroid logs. Here's what I need to see: - MyAndroidToolsPro: check on logs. - Alternatively use ADB: adb -d logcat > logcat.txt - Send Game Guardian logs: Game Guardian -> Fix It Button -> Generate logs. Generated logs will exist on Internal Storage and send it here. --- This is tough, to provide some context, please attach Android Logs, Game Guardian Logs, and WayDroid Logs (perhaps find another one). And yes, I just recommend to use another emulator.
  16. [ @leuxua ] --- That's so many. Are you just made the same script on 6 different language? --- *Bump: @NoFear, @Collen
  17. [ @Mygmus ] --- You alone. The reasons: - Crushing ordinary players makes me happy. - Their badwords is a lullaby for me - Their rages is my entertainment - Their emotions makes me want to do it more - Their despair is my destiny --- Just kidding, I couldn't tell If I'm joking or not.
  18. kiynox

    LUA scripting

    [ @tthgj ] --- You don't need loop, using "gg.editAll" will change all the value of the address to your desires. # Search for Dword: 10 gg.searchNumber('10', gg.TYPE_DWORD) # Edit all value to 99 gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.editAll('99', gg.TYPE_DWORD) --- I recommend to read our documentation: here
  19. [ @DimoNULL ] --- You need to specify what colors you're looking for, is it Shaders or Textures? Also, Shaders depends on Device Architecture (Mali or Snapdragon). Here's how you can find it: - Shaders are usually consist of RGB values (Red, Green, Blue). Each values is ranged from 1 to 255, example for color Blue : [0, 0, 255]. You can search this values as Float. - If you're looking for Body Color (changing Player color), you can search for "1" as float, and mess around with it. Usually it is for Unity based game. - You can change color by Hex value: Hex color. You need to change it before the game reach loading screen. - For textures, you can't change it's color. You need to edit the texture itself, which will involve editing the in-game files. - Assuming the game don't have tiled textures, you can change color for any object texture. You need to make the game unload the textures by deleting in-game files or unreferencing it on Memory (before loading screen). The object will turn to purple / pink: No Texture, which then you can find the pink color values and change to anything you want. - As for shaders, you can also debug your in-game renderer (OpenGL or Vulkan) using: Android GPU Inspector (never tried it) . Also, you can go with Android Emulator route and use: SpecialK or: Ninja Ripper to dump your in-game shaders to help you find color values. --- I have given you 6 answers for each scenario. If you have any questions, just ask me.
  20. kiynox

    LUA scripting

    [ @tthgj ] --- I'm honestly confused on what you're trying to say. Please add punctuation and explain it slowly. So this is what I understand: Find value -> get the address from result -> address search, you mean pointer? -> and then save it: gg.searchNumber('10', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.loadResults( gg.getResults( gg.getResultsCount() ) ) gg.searchPointer() *Use DWORD: for 32-bit & QWORD: for 64-bit ---
  21. kiynox

    App not optimized

    [ @-SAICOBO- ] --- I'm talking about the solution for installing GG on your device, not installing GG on your virtual apps. --- Instead of using Virtual Apps, I recommend you to use Virtual Machine. It has better features and compatibility, check it on this thread: Game Guardian: Android 14 ---
  22. kiynox

    App not optimized

    [ @-SAICOBO- ] --- Assuming it's Android 14, you can use the solution given here: Android 14 is not compatible ---
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  24. kiynox

    Help with waydroid

    [ @ash_9 ] --- Are you sure it only happens after granting access or when you open Game Guardian? I would heavily suspect this is the WayDroid/Hardware faults. Stuttering is commonly happen on Android Emulator, I guess that's normal. Perhaps attach some diagnostic from both WayDroid and your devices (how many used RAM, Processor, and renderers: Vulkan/OpenGL/DirectX) ---
  25. [ @JebaczKoz ] --- The game probably uses newer version of Unity Engine which can have different format, structure and headers. If you have some (.unity3d) files from the game, you can open it on Unity to see it's engine version (of the file). ---
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