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  1. Hi guys I wanna how to modify my app root folder destination by virtual space. Is easy for root user to modify the root folder of game but if is a virtual space, it may contain like /data/user/0/com.parallel.space/files/data/user/0/com.racing.carry/saves/coin.xml Is it possible for GG to detect it and find the correct path for virtual space user?
  2. I'll check it out.
  3. Hi hacker, so I successfully created my own mod menu with this source I find in Github: https://github.com/LGLTeam/Mod-Menu-With-Memory-hack I coded and injected inside the apk perfectly fine. I'm testing this on MCPE 0.6.1 I was able to create a C_ALLOC hack called Speed, Air Speed and Step hack from it. But when I try range CODE_APP and edit the value, the game crash. Ofc I didnt did any mistake, even changing the ranges to C_ALLOC work fine except for CODE_APP. I'm trying to create a gravity hack which is 0.08 float which will be edited to 0.01. The mod menu actually search the gravity value (3 results). But it isn't unable to edit it. Any hope? Sry if is off-topic.
  4. It save my player model id, but an error came. Script ended: Perhaps this script needs the latest version of GameGuardian. Try to update to the latest version. Script error: luaj.LuaError: /storage/emulated/0/Download/Kizzy/player list to tp them.lua:42 ` final[#final+1] = string.format("Your Player: x = %.15f, y= %.15f, z = %.15f", xCoordMe[1].value, yCoordMe[1].value, zCoor...` attempt to index ? (a nil value) with key 'value' (field '1') level = 1, const = 28, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 19, code = 220 GETTABLE v17 v17 "value" ; PC 147 CODE 08C28447 OP 7 A 17 B 17 C 266 Bx 8970 sBx -122101 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Download/Kizzy/player list to tp them.lua:42 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.error(LuaValue.java:989) at luaj.LuaValue.indexerror(LuaValue.java:2864) at luaj.LuaValue.gettable(LuaValue.java:2767) at luaj.LuaValue.get(LuaValue.java:1094) at luaj.LuaClosure.execute(LuaClosure.java:358) at luaj.LuaClosure.call(LuaClosure.java:160) at android.ext.Script.runScript(Script.java:5703) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(Script.java:5441)
  5. now it show this Script ended: Perhaps this script needs the latest version of GameGuardian. Try to update to the latest version. Script error: luaj.LuaError: /storage/emulated/0/Download/Kizzy/player list to tp them.lua:42 ` final[#final+1] = string.format("Your Player: x = %.15f, y= %.15f, z = %.15f", xCoordMe[i].value, yCoordMe[i].value, zCoor...` attempt to index ? (a nil value) with key 'value' (field '?') level = 1, const = 28, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 19, code = 220 GETTABLE v17 v17 "value" ; PC 147 CODE 08C28447 OP 7 A 17 B 17 C 266 Bx 8970 sBx -122101 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Download/Kizzy/player list to tp them.lua:42 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.error(LuaValue.java:989) at luaj.LuaValue.indexerror(LuaValue.java:2864) at luaj.LuaValue.gettable(LuaValue.java:2767) at luaj.LuaValue.get(LuaValue.java:1094) at luaj.LuaClosure.execute(LuaClosure.java:358) at luaj.LuaClosure.call(LuaClosure.java:160) at android.ext.Script.runScript(Script.java:5703) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(Script.java:5441)
  6. I may understand how the code work but it show an error. Script ended: Perhaps this script needs the latest version of GameGuardian. Try to update to the latest version. Script error: luaj.LuaError: /storage/emulated/0/Download/Kizzy/player list to tp them.lua:26 ` xCoord_Enemy[#xCoord_Enemy + 1] = {address = v.address + 0x38, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT}` attempt to get length of a nil value (global 'xCoord_Enemy') level = 1, const = 34, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 19, code = 232 LEN v13 v13 ; PC 79 CODE 06800355 OP 21 A 13 B 13 C 0 Bx 6656 sBx -124415 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Download/Kizzy/player list to tp them.lua:26 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.checkmetatag(LuaValue.java:2835) at luaj.LuaValue.len(LuaValue.java:1989) at luaj.LuaClosure.execute(LuaClosure.java:451) at luaj.LuaClosure.call(LuaClosure.java:160) at android.ext.Script.runScript(Script.java:5703) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(Script.java:5441)
  7. I would say a offline game. what I mean is, I'm trying to create a gg script that make a gg.choice with all my enemy position. I'll use Y velocity value to find all of them. And it will show 7 results. 1 results — Me 6 Results — Enemy I can do offset and to get x, y, z pos. Pos are very near, same like jump, hitbox, velocity and size. Also tell if that is a player or enemy. So my script search for the y velocity -0.082 Do offset and get my player position, then create a button one by one of Enemy with position in gg.choice I click the button of my enemy position then my position will be same as my enemy position. sry my English, if you don't understand, u can tell me. I'll try to fix it.
  8. Hi, so I learn already how to make offset and read the memory if this is my player or my enemy. So I wanna make a teleport script that teleport me to my enemy position. So I can easily make a script that search a model ID, do a offset to find my player (1 results), edit x, y, z position easily. Now I wanna make gg script that search a model ID, get my player model position (later use). Then it will go to my enemy model and get the position, do the same thing to my other enemy. Once it got all my enemy position, then it will create a button in gg.choice Something like this SCRIPT Your player position is: X: 32.5 Y: 50 Z: 20.5 ---------------------------- Enemy 1 (Pos X: 75.32 Y: 50 Z: 32.5) Enemy 2 (Pos X: 54.35 Y: 30 Z: 21.1) Enemy 3 (Pos X: 71.49 Y: 50 Z: 67.7) So ill click Enemy 2 since his position is almost near like mine. Then GG Script will edit my player x y z, the same value like the enemy 2. Then I successfully teleported myself to the enemy. sry for my English.
  9. I'm pretty new to it. Can make better explain? or just share the code here. I don't know how to get the Hex but i can do group search but is slower. If you can't understand this, just say it, is ok
  10. How to hook? and what is the code for it?
  11. in some mod menu game. i find that someone can do c++ Instant Search. is it possible to do it on GameGuardian?
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