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Everything posted by FluidZ

  1. Hello, I am not sure, but someone is using a user name close to yours and is downvoting people post. He is using à 0 (zero) in "warrior"
  2. One is with a 0 (zero) in "WARRi0R" nickname. I am not sure which one.
  3. Hi @sammax71 Don't quit ! I am new here but i already saw you a lot in this forum helping people, you are skilled and helpful. I saw @CYBORG-WARRI0R too in this forum but he is only commenting bull**** to others with disrespect and things that have nothing related to the question. He should be banned. Just ignore. Keep on going @sammax71!
  4. Thank you very much for the time spent to explain me that, I appreciate. I do get it now.
  5. @HorridModz That is what i started with (gg.prompt) but i think i lack knowledge/skill to make/understand that "nearby search" with those values. I found a video in Forum from badCase that shows how to manually perform a nearby search with a Float value but didn't understand the purpose. I have to spend time to deepen the subject. Thanks for your advice/hint.
  6. Ok, so it may not be fixed offsets. I wanted to write a script to automate the process for everyone to use. It is a bit more complicated now I will try to find another approach instead of just finding the coins and check that keys and hoverboard values are at the correct offset address. Thx.
  7. Oh, i see, thx @sammax71
  8. Hello @MonkeySAN ! How do you get names (Coins, Keys, Hoverboard) in clear text in the first screenshot? Is it address offset you have in the pop-up? Why is it 30 and not 28 as @sammax71 stated (and I found that offset too) ? Thanks in advance.
  9. Impressive ! Well done. Would it be possible to have the method to change the Chest type ? Ty
  10. Hi, Based on @MonkeySAN's great work, I made an LUA script to mimic what his video shows. Once "diamonds" paid chests are unlocked (SHOP and VILLAGE SHOP), you can start the script. Choose PRICE in Diamonds, MIN CARDS offered and MAX CARDS offered (For example 300, 6 and 14). Let the script find values, then the script will ask you to return (refresh) to the SHOP and get the new price for the Chest. Click back the GG icon and enter this value. The script changes the price to 0 and no ads are required to open this Chest again and again. This worked for me for BIZ Chests, PREMIUM Chests and Villages Chests. Not sure if disclaimers are required, but just in case: This script is provided as is, use at your own risks, feel free to edit and improve the script, do not sell it Enjoy! NB : I hope one day I will be able to find those address by myself and be as good as @MonkeySAN ! XD com.lumber.inc.lua
  11. Hello, I am very new to GG and lua script. Here is the lua script I made to change Cash or Golden Eggs from delivery box (With Ad or direct gift). For Cash: Type the value proposed by the delivery box, with comma and magnitude (see script), for example: 23,069qd For eggs: Type the value proposed by the delivery box, choose box that offers eggs >100 (less results) Changed values are hard coded, it can be changed in script or new value could be asked in prompt. -- Script generated by GameGuardian 101.1 (16142) at 2022-03-08 12:02:16 for Egg, Inc. [com.auxbrain.egginc 1.22.5 (111186)] -- Lua help: http://gameguardian.net/help/ -- options local scriptName = [=====[Script for Egg, Inc. 1.22.5]=====] local scriptVersion = '1.0.0' local scriptAuthor = 'FluidZ' local startToast = '' -- 0 - no check; 1 - check package only, 2 - check package and build local checkTarget = 0 local targetName = [=====[Egg, Inc.]=====] local targetPkg = 'com.auxbrain.egginc' local targetVersion = [=====[1.22.5]=====] local targetBuild = 111186 -- functions local function isempty(s) return s == nil or s == '' end -- init gg.require('101.1', 16142) if startToast ~= '' then startToast = '\n'..startToast end gg.toast(scriptName..' v'..scriptVersion..' by '..scriptAuthor..startToast) if checkTarget ~= 0 then local info = gg.getTargetInfo() local check = false local current = false if checkTarget >= 1 then check = targetPkg current = info.packageName end if checkTarget >= 2 then check = check..' '..targetVersion..' ('..targetBuild..')' current = current..' '..info.versionName..' ('..info.versionCode..')' end if check ~= current then gg.alert('This script for "'..targetName..'" ['..check..'].\nYou select "'..info.label..'" ['..current..'].\nNow script exit.') os.exit() end end local revert = nil local magnitudes = { ['M'] = 6, ['B'] = 9, ['T'] = 12; ['q'] = 15, ['Q'] = 18, ['s'] = 21, ['S'] = 24, ['o'] = 27, ['N'] = 30, ['d'] = 33, ['U'] = 36, ['D'] = 39, ['Td'] = 42, ['qd'] = 45, ['Qd'] = 48, ['sd'] = 51, ['Sd'] = 54, ['Od'] = 57, ['Nd'] = 60, ['V'] = 63, ['uV'] = 66, ['dV'] = 69, ['tV'] = 72, ['qV'] = 75, ['QV'] = 78, ['sV'] = 81, ['SV'] = 84, ['OV'] = 87, ['NV'] = 90, ['tT'] = 93 } -- main code local pData = gg.prompt({[1] = 'Type value to search for'}, nil, {"text"}) local new_v = 0 local sch = '' if pData == nil then gg.alert('Canceled') else local v, m = string.match(pData[1], "([0-9%.,]+)(%a*)") if isempty(m) then sch = ''..v new_v = ''..v..'e6' else local va = v:gsub(",", "") local ma = magnitudes[m]-3 local v_before = va-1 local v_after = va+1 local start = tostring(v_before)..'e'..tostring(ma) local zend = tostring(v_after)..'e'..tostring(ma) sch = ''..start..'~'..zend new_v = '1.0e78' end gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC) gg.searchNumber(sch, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) revert = gg.getResults(100, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil) gg.editAll(''..new_v, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) gg.processResume() print('Searched for ', sch) print('Found: ', gg.getResultsCount()) print('Edited to ', new_v) print('Hack done!') end Feel free to improve code and post it here ! Thx
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