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Everything posted by chugger93

  1. I can't get this to work at all. I can always search the first time and get thousands of results, but then when I search again after getting a few coines, I always get 0 results.
  2. Play Store Icon Image Name of Game: Hungry Shark Game Version if known: 2 or 3 Name of Cheat: Bypass Videos Steps: Open both {game_name}, and GameGuardian. Hit play and hit one of the unlock mods (you need to watch the videos to unlock the extra gameplay) watch a video, when done search 1, watch another video, then search 2. Repeat until you've narrowed it down. Change to 15 and Violia!
  3. this process does not work for me. Did steps 2 and 3, and everytime I do the second search I get no results. ??
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