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  1. 1-Seach value that u want to mod ofcourse. 2-When u find it, use option "try add , not replace ... " in GG. I dont remember exactly its name option. U will see it when u try edit that value. I have no game on my phone now so cant show u.
  2. Yeah. I succeed with it and maybe u can too.
  3. Wow, VERY NICE. Just wait for it. Tks u so much bro. Anyway, u can mod gold or money for this game? I really need hack game like that. But if it cant, never mind.
  4. Dont try replace it. Try "add" optione in GG. Good luck.
  5. Sorry for late reply. If u notice u would see that game use ur id (imei phone) to save ur prosees. So... u need change ur imei or id or something esle. I advice " change id" app or module xposed like that. More, u need root surely.
  6. I dont know. But i did as normal. Sometime it work, sometime didnt. Game will be fc after u change the value. Restart it and u will need a bit lucky :). Other, i had banned (but can get unbanned). Now i dont have any item to get. :))
  7. Yeah. I had tried many many time because im not a dev. I dont know anything about code. :). By the way, tks u for reading, my bro.
  8. Never mind. I made it mysefl.
  9. Has anyone played this game? I had mod exp but i cant mod gem for it. Whenever i mod gold or gems, this game kick me out to my homescreen. But sometime i can mod gold and it works. I want to increase my gold now but i cant. This is my way: 1 - Exp: Starting game, seach "0" - Auto. Play 1 chap then seach again (with my exp change ofcouse) -> Work (sometime it kick me back to my homescreen but it work after some try) 2 - Gold: Same as 1. It kick me to my home screen too. But after some trying, i can mod my gold. 3 - Gems: Its same too but i never succeed. ==> So.... I think it have something we can do to mod this game. Anyone can mod this game, share it please... @NoFear
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