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  1. View File Encryption3.0 By Shadow0007 Hey guys, I made a little lua Encryption. It is powerfull enough to keep your script safe. I hope some of you can make some use of this, just give me the credit in the label. Function Antilog, Antihook, strong string encode. Obfuscating assembly Code (Trofroop Dumper) It transform the code and make JMP Goto spam in middle to make hard to decrypt it hide the code within other code causing a Dissamble produce the incorrect output. It also add garbage code in lasm. If you face any type of problem you can contact me through my Telegram ID. https://t.me/The_Deleted_Error You can join my Telegram channel for more https://t.me/shadow009 If you like it subscribe to my YouTube channel Shadow!! https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCbOBFnZb12FDCKNBNWoEYQQ Submitter Shadow-YT Submitted 09/19/2022 Category Tools  
  2. Version 3.0.0


    Hey guys, I made a little lua Encryption. It is powerfull enough to keep your script safe. I hope some of you can make some use of this, just give me the credit in the label. Function Antilog, Antihook, strong string encode. Obfuscating assembly Code (Trofroop Dumper) It transform the code and make JMP Goto spam in middle to make hard to decrypt it hide the code within other code causing a Dissamble produce the incorrect output. It also add garbage code in lasm. If you face any type of problem you can contact me through my Telegram ID. https://t.me/The_Deleted_Error You can join my Telegram channel for more https://t.me/shadow009 If you like it subscribe to my YouTube channel Shadow!! https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCbOBFnZb12FDCKNBNWoEYQQ
  3. Hello ! Did You Try To Encrypt any Encryption tool or any lib base values This is just a simple Encryption which protect Your Script from copypaster this script can only encrypt gameguidian simple values not any Encryption Tool Try to Encrypt Values not any Encryption Tool... Thanks For Your Comment.... This is just a Sample script like this values only it can Encrypt Test_Enc.lua
  4. View File #LuaEncryption.lua Hello World ! This is a simple lua Encryption Tool Made By Me It will encrypt your script from getting safe from copy pasters. Encryption Type { Bin > Hex > Lua } This Encryption cannot be get Decrypted Easily Big Lasm and Big logs disable load You can Bypass the big lasm with Hex or any tool you have. Dont Try To Decrypt The Encryption Tool With any Tool and then change the credit Main things are in server its just a php lua file and you all cannot get the tool without my permission If you want the open source then contact me by my Discord id : Shadow Fighter!!#2955 If This Tool show any error then comment down we will remove it within 24 hours contact. Thanks... Submitter Shadow-YT Submitted 07/27/2021 Category Tools  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Hello World ! This is a simple lua Encryption Tool Made By Me It will encrypt your script from getting safe from copy pasters. Encryption Type { Bin > Hex > Lua } This Encryption cannot be get Decrypted Easily Big Lasm and Big logs disable load You can Bypass the big lasm with Hex or any tool you have. Dont Try To Decrypt The Encryption Tool With any Tool and then change the credit Main things are in server its just a php lua file and you all cannot get the tool without my permission If you want the open source then contact me by my Discord id : Shadow Fighter!!#2955 If This Tool show any error then comment down we will remove it within 24 hours contact. Thanks...
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