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mrboobs last won the day on January 27 2024

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    samsung galaxy s3
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  1. Can you post the update for the game, now lvl cap is 70
  2. Update please, new game version is out.
  3. Can you update the script? Thank you.
  4. No problem friend, thanks for you effort and your time. If you can asd again auto-win option that will be great
  5. I mean another account, in the same game, that I have had before. When I try the script on that account where there are a lot of characters, some with lvl 60, the script does not add features to them nor does it add max equipment level. I have a couple of characters, with level 10, they are also not affected by the script. The script works only when I started a new game through another account
  6. I forgot to add, the script is working only when you start new game, i tried in my old game, it doesn't work, the stats are not changed.
  7. The script is not working, it works when i tried it but after game restart the stats of the characters are back in normal, without max charakter and tier level
  8. Update please, thank you
  9. Update please, thank you
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