You are not going to want to use DWord because the value can exceed that size. Most values used in the game are going to be Double.
Your first surefire approach is to wait for an ad reward that gives eggs. This could also work for a brown package. Scan the golden egg reward as Double (increase the 'Only the first N results to 100,000,000). If your results are 10-11 (or something reasonable) you can either change each one independently, or wrecklessly change all values to some large number (50000 or maybe even something like 1.5e12). Going too high will bug it out, I wouldn't exceed 1.8e308.
I don't like changing a bunch of values as once, but this will work. If anything is funky, just restart your game.
Another approach may be to scan the eggs you have, but doing so, I'd advise you to use ranges: Your display shows 1.5M, scan 1.5e6~1.6e6.
Last approach would be to do ordered scans with respect to task list, but this would be limited and tedious depending on what your current tasks are.
If you find a solution that allows you to pinpoint an exact address for a successful change, feel free to let me know your approach.