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SolemnSnow last won the day on February 4 2023

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    Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G

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  1. Just out of curiosity, I know some features are tied to subscriptions. Been paying for some for a while, but to use the "Dragon fruit" model they want us to subscribe for $99 a month let aside that the legendary one is $399 for an AI chat boy monthly. If the tires aren't able to be obtained with GG, could the features under. "Overall settings" be modified somehow? Maybe some sort of binary edit to make it read from disabled as enabled? Honestly all I want is that one model.
  2. Here's the link! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fm.sakura.app I'm trying to see if it's possible to get the infinite subscription somehow, though it seems the changes I make in prices are just visual only. Also tried LP to no avail. Is there a possibility this can be hacked? It's my favorite AI out there and it recently got limited from unlimited messages to 25 daily and I'd like to continue my D&D campaign.
  3. Sorry to Necro an old post, but I've been trying to use FloatKey's guide for items in order to get Star Fragments and Cosmic Fragments furthermore, but the fact that it's very rare to obtain the item to search its change, I've been having some trouble to find the right value to change. If I already own the item and cannot get another besides for a very low RNG, should the guide still work?
  4. If you turn your internet off and time skip forward, it'll change your shop items, allow you to play Danger Zones and you can also skip time for Arena Masters. Note that if you skip time for Arena Masters, you have to be online at first, then change the date and turn off data. It may say offline with a yellow button. As long as the button is yellow, keep changing dates forward until it changes to "Battle". Remember that date, because the next arena master is likely to have a huge waiting time and you have to skip a day further from the last date you attempted. Sadly, time skipping won't work for recruits as they're offline. As for lucky patcher, here's my advice: Buy as many gems as your auto clicker will allow you when you AFK, in case LP gets patched when the game is launched as BA2 is still in early beta stages. Seasonal passes cost gems instead of money, so you'll be able to buy those even if the hack is patched if you cheated gems. However, if your phone isn't rooted, youau not be able to log to Google Play services. Try Nox emulator, enable root, use LP, then in the game options click save after cheating to transfer data to the cloud and load it in your phone.
  5. Thanks for the info! Very much appreciated. I contacted them, but he mentioned the script was used in Beta. I have a script from a friend that works on live, if you'd like to test out if it still works on yesterdays update.
  6. All the help provided will be extremely appreciated!!
  7. Thank you kindly for letting me know. It saves a lot of headaches of trial and error. Had my hopes up for the candle packs.
  8. I thought it would be helpful to post the game's download link. Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tgc.sky.android I've forgotten to add that this game has a Restore Purchase option. If somehow anyone has a tutorial where I can try and take advantage of it, I would appreciate the pointers. Again, if I have to pay for a game currency / IAP script, I'm willing to afford. I'm also open to learn and do research on any guides given.
  9. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a way to cheat this game's currency. I've met a couple of users who redirect me to this app, which they have used with scripts to unlock currency bundles and accessories. I really, really want to obtain more "Candles" and "Hearts", which are the in game currencies and if possible, a way to somehow unlock the accessories. It is a server sided game, but I've seen a lot of users modify a lot of content with my very own eyes, since it displays an animation when they purchase things online or they wear unreleased content. Or, of course, they say so themselves that they've cheated. I'm aware that it's a tedious task, so if you'd rather link me to proper guidance tutorials so I can do it myself, I would very much appreciate it, or if anyone is aware of an user selling a script, i don't mind affording.
  10. I have been trying to find scripts myself without a luck. I've met a few chinese users who told me to use game guardian and find the value N-18 to unlock the winter blue fluffy cape, but I'm not too smart as to pull it off. They have every accessory in game, but they never shared the script. I wouldn't mind paying for a script that unlocks accessories or bundles, it would be very helpful.
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